Ābolītis, Durbes pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde

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    LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
    Vīteri, guest house
    Vīteri, guest houseHoliday house at picturesque Adamova lake. A real country bathhouse. Near to it is Srkankalns skiing track with ski lift. Excursions to the near hadicraft men.
    Skrundas muiža, hotel
    Skrundas muiža, hotelSkrundas muižas viesnīcas apartamentos ērti jutīsies kā pieaugušie, tā arī bērni, tā būs piemērota gan īsai vizītei, gan arī ilgstošai dzīvošanai. Augstie komforta standarti un mājīgā gaisotne ļaus Jums izbaudīt lielisku atpūtu.
    Birzgaļi Z/S, lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirdzniecība
    Birzgaļi Z/S,  lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirdzniecībaNew and used tractors from Japan. Trailers, plows, cutter, tractor servicing and warranty repairs. MITSUBISHI, FOTON, KUBOTA, ISEKI, MURATORO, YANMAR.
    Amatnieks Dainis Lēgenbergs, woodworking
    Amatnieks Dainis Lēgenbergs, woodworkingWooden accessories for your kitchen, home, sauna, garden, as well as everything else, from wooden spatulas and spoons, to a portable sauna and barrel, which can be heated all year round.
    Invite, ielūgumi
    Invite, ielūgumiWedding invitations, place cards, menu, personalized champagne, wedding garters, wedding ring bearer pillows etc wedding accessories. High quality handmade.
    EXI, furniture
    EXI, furnitureSecond-hand furniture from Germany: second-hand leather furniture, commodes, sets of bedrooms. New furniture from catalogues. Nowhere cheaper!
    Kantes krogs, leisure complex
    Kantes krogs, leisure complexŠeit Jūs sagaidīs un laipni apkalpos saimniecītes, piedāvās un ieteiks pusdienas pēc individuālās gaumes. Kantes krogs klāj galdus arī svinībām un kāzām, kā arī tā būs laba vieta darījumu pusdienām.  
    Ezerkrasti, recreation centre
    Ezerkrasti, recreation centreRelaxation near the lake Razna. 3 new and gallant guest houses. Premises for celebrations and relaxation. Banquet and conference halls. Cozy rooms for sleeping. Bathhouses,a swiming pool, activ relaxation...
    Geolite, geological research
    Geolite, geological researchGeolite. Geological and geotechnical exploration. Engineering geology, technical research, which is used in building construction.
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