Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Rūķīši, guest house
Rūķīši, guest houseRūķīši, guest house in Murjāņi. Recreation at the Gauja, lodgings for night, bathhouse, banquet hall, places for tents.
Vītoli, leisure complex
Vītoli, leisure complexLabiekārtotas viesu mājas gleznaina Rāznas ezera krastā, Rāznas nacionālā parka teritorijā. Pie mums ir iespējams rīkot svinīgus pasākumus, atpūsties, kā arī veldzēties Rāznas ezerā. Iespējams dzīvot divvietīgās, trīsvietīgās un četrvietīgās istabiņās.
Hutor Group
Hutor GroupRecreation center - 2 Guest Houses "Swans" with all conveniences and a Russian bath – wait for you on the shore of the picturesque Rušona Lake.
Baižas, tree nursery
Baižas, tree nurserySeed plot Baižas. Wintergreens, grass, cemetery plantations, rockeries, summer flowers, plants for balconies. 700 sorts and kinds of wintergreens` seedlings.
Paulas Karlsons, privātā pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde
Paulas Karlsons, privātā pirmsskolas izglītības iestādeNo 2015. gada 1. jūnija darbu uzsācis bērnu uzraudzības pakalpojumu centrs "Karlsons", palīgs māmiņām un tētiem ik dienu, ik vakaru, arī brīvdienās un svētku dienās. Piedāvājam arī diennakts pieskatīšanu. Par jūsu mazuļiem rūpēsies sertificētas auklītes.
Boats SB, SIA
Boats SB, SIABoats SB produces production of glass fiber. Production of outer swimming pools, boats, safety rafts, production of models and forms for concrete mouldings.
Žuvine, fish restaurant
Žuvine, fish restaurantThe only fish restaurant in Palanga welcomes You at famous, renovated Basanaviciaus avenue. “Žuvinė“ is just few minutes away from the sea.
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