LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Ergoss, SIA, building material sale
Ergoss, SIA, building material saleErgoss. Koksnes plātņes - saplāksnis, mēbeļu plātnes, OSB plātnes. Dažādu finieru veidu zāģēšana. Mēbeles pēc pasūtījuma.
Ikora, SIA
Ikora, SIAWe provide high-quality funeral services at affordable prices, maintaining the same level of quality. We understand how difficult it is to say goodbye to a loved one, so we aim to ease the organization process and offer a wide range of services to honor the deceased.
Granīts O, SIA
Granīts O, SIAThe company is engaged in the manufacture of monuments, stone garden sculptures and interior design elements.
Vintāža, guest house
Vintāža, guest houseViesu nams svinībām ar banketa zāli līdz 45 cilvēkiem kāzu, jubileju, dzimšanas dienu un korporatīvo pasākumu organizēšanai vai vienkāršai atpūtai.
Laimes ligzda, leisure complex
Laimes ligzda, leisure complexLaimes ligzda. We offer romantic log building, nice Vidzeme landscape, country bathhouse with swimming pool and delicious meal, fire place till 30 places, bathhouse and cozy rooms. We are waiting for you in winter, Žagarkalns.
Lonas Latvija, SIA, store
Lonas Latvija, SIA, storeLONAS - is a manufacturer of bedroom furniture and other quality sleep attributes. Most LONAS mattress manufacturing process is meticulously handmade. We will deliver the ordered and manufactured LONAS products with our own transport, and our courier team will bring the mattress to your bed, but the LONAS bed will be delivered and assembled in your home free of charge.
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, camping
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, campingRecreation centre on the bank of the Venta. 8 well equipped campings, great guest house with a pub, festivity and seminar rooms. Our guesthouse and camping “Ventaskrasti” is located right on the riverside of Venta. We offer: - Beautiful
ZOONA , teritorijas kontroles sistēmas dzīvniekiem
ZOONA , teritorijas kontroles sistēmas dzīvniekiemZOONA, sale of radio systems for animals. The partners are USA company PetSafe. PetSafe works out radio and electronic devices, which make better human and animal relationships.
Madaras, recreation house
Madaras, recreation houseA holiday house at the lake Usma.
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