LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Rīgas Būvserviss, building material sale
Rīgas Būvserviss, building material saleRIGA BŪVSERVISS offers to purchase at a profit different building materials - for roofs, facade, foundations, indoor and outdoor finishing, heat insulation, as well as windows, doors, plumbing and movable houses.
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, camping
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, campingRecreation centre on the bank of the Venta. 8 well equipped campings, great guest house with a pub, festivity and seminar rooms. Our guesthouse and camping “Ventaskrasti” is located right on the riverside of Venta. We offer: - Beautiful
Robežnieki kokaudzētava
Robežnieki kokaudzētavaA wide assortment of seedlings of conifer, bushes and wintergreens. 130 various colours, forms of conifer, 250 foliage trees and bushes, and also 200 wintergreens.
Jolanta, hotel
Jolanta, hotelRecreation centre Jolanta, in Aluksne, offers comfortable and cozy hotel rooms. Sauna, swimming pool, banquet hall. Friendly prices.
Mucenieki, holiday house
Mucenieki, holiday houseA holiday house aitha bathhouse 20 minutes drive from Riga. A rest at the Lielupe, boats, fishing..
Kokaudzētava Baltezers, arboretum
Kokaudzētava Baltezers, arboretumTo augment, grow and realize ornamental plants is Nursery Baltezers professional activity, there are more than 500 plant titles in our assortment.
Kristīgais bērnu un jauniešu dienas centrs Timotejs
Kristīgais bērnu un jauniešu dienas centrs TimotejsBērnu centra mērķis ir atbalstīt trūcīgo un sociāli izstumto ģimeņu bērnus. Šajā centrā viņiem ir iespēja apmierināt elementāras higiēniskās vajadzības – nomazgāties, izmazgāt drēbes, arī apmainīt drēbes – netīrās atdot mazgāšanā un uzvilkt tīras.
Nabīte, camping
Nabīte, campingA picturesque place, at lake Liela Naba. A guest house, a bathhouse, 28 camp houses. Water bike and boat rent, sport and play grounds. Summer cafe.
Rendoks SIA
Rendoks SIAPVC Logi un durvis. Garantija, līzings, montāža – demontāža, aiļu apdare, individuālas konsultācijas, daudzveidīgas koka imitāciju tekstūras un piegāde.
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