LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Dace Grīnberga, keramiķe
Dace Grīnberga, keramiķe Ceramist Dace Grīnberga works with stone compounds of various colours, clay and porcelain. Modern items for the interior. Ordinary, openwork shapes with different kind of textures.
Edīte Začeste, tekstila dizainere
Edīte Začeste, tekstila dizainerePārsvarā izgatavoju mājas tekstilu - aizkarus, galdsegas, salvetes, sedziņas, galda celiņus, segas, pārklājus, spilvendrānas, paklājus, grīdas celiņus, dvieļus. Tāpat aužu arī šalles, lakatus, apmetņus.
Danfo Masters, SIA
Danfo Masters, SIADanfo Master. Window films, visual advertisement, advertisement on cars, glass toning, decorative glass.
Lobes krogs, guest house
Lobes krogs, guest houseLobes pub. A cafe - till 50 people, a banquet hall - till 150 people, rooms, a bathhouse - till 20 people.
In Sensum, burial services
In Sensum, burial servicesApbedīšanas firmas In Sensum piedāvājums - apbedīšanas pakalpojumi - dokumentu noformēšana, diennakts morga pakalpojumi, bezmaksas uzglabāšana morgā. Zārki, krusti, pārklāji, katafalks, transports bēru viesiem (autobusi). Strādājam visu diennakti. Mirušā nogādāšana morgā (no mājām t. sk.), sēru ceremonijas, visu veidu un ticību ceremoniju organizēšana.
Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
Wood4ex, SIA
Wood4ex, SIAKurināmais, Malka, Malka maisos, Malka kastēs, Kamīnmalka, Malkas piegāde, Taras paletes, izgatavošana, Apaļkoku, zāģbaļķu iepirkšana.
Leibuk, IK
Leibuk, IKAccounting services for all kinds of business forms. Consultations on starting a business, choosing the most appropriate form of business, choosing tax regime. Leibuk provides comprehensive services ranging from business plan development, company formation, accounting and economic analysis to companies.
Beach Hotel Liepāja, hotel
Beach Hotel Liepāja, hotelYou are welcome to Beach Hotel Liepāja! Located in two floors, 23 rooms in rich tones! We a are in a wind blow from the seam two wind blows and You are in Rožu Square!
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