
NESTER CUSTOM metal art gallery ESCAPISM is an entertainment complex that houses artistically arranged exhibition halls with metal art sculpture and furniture made from auto parts. The gallery, design furniture and sculptures that are exhibited here are the result of the creative work of Aleksandr Nestjeruk. In the gallery, you can also familiarize yourself with the workshop's services and opportunities in the field of design - exterior and interior design.

We offer:

A visit to the exhibition hall is possible with a guide.



For children from 6 to 15 years – EUR 5.00

For students and school excursions – EUR 6.50

for teenagers and pensioners – EUR 6.50

for adults – EUR 10.00


Coffee, tea, juices, lemonade are available.

Tea 1.60 EUR / all types of coffee 2.50 EUR / water 0.5 l – 1.00 EUR / juices 0.3 l – 2.50 EUR

You can buy souvenirs in the gallery.

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