Kalumi SIA, forgings

Apkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādes

Apkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādesApkaltas un apgleznotas pūra lādes

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Products, services, keywords
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Vīcežu muiža, leisure complex
Vīcežu muiža, leisure complexVīcežu country seat, recreation complex. Organization of different activities and festivities, attractions, recreation in nature.
Apartamenti Dundaga XXL, apartments
Apartamenti Dundaga XXL, apartmentsA holiday home with a wonderful warm pool and an aromatic wood-burning sauna. We are located in North Kurzeme, Dundaga, 150 km from Riga, in a private area. Dundagas castle and park are just 800 m from us, 22 km to the sea, 5 km to Baložezers, across the street is the Exotic Animal Park, nearby Liepniekvalka Caves, etc. c. natural sights. We offer apartments with a kitchen area. Sauna and pool available.
Muižnieki, camping
Muižnieki, campingMuižnieki, camping at the Usma lake. Guest house, bathhouse, places for tents. Recreation in nature, fishing, boat and couter rent.
Kandavas novadpētniecības muzejs, museum
Kandavas novadpētniecības muzejs, museumKandava region museum is founded in 1995, the house was built in the second half of the 19th century, there is an exposition "We for our town", stories about development of phones and the post office in Kurzeme, as well as memories about the USSR times at the "red corner".
Akmeņkalis, SIA, working of stone
Akmeņkalis, SIA, working of stoneSIA "Akmeņkalis" tika dibināts 1991.gadā. Uzņēmums šo gadu laikā pilnveidojis un attīstijis dažādas jaunās tehnoloģijas, lai panāktu iespēju izveidot no akmeņa neiespējamo. Uzņēmums nodarbojas ar dažādu veidu dabisko akmeņu apstrādi.  
ANVI AM, SIA, workshop
ANVI AM, SIA, workshopANVI AM produces national costumes from 1994. Children linen clothes, table clothes, curtains, pillows, rocking chairs, hammocks. Available indvidual orders.
Aivars-K, working of stone
Aivars-K, working of stoneStone processing. Ware of metal and stone, interior elements, garden sculptures, tombstones, fountains, lights, stone benches and tables..
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