Kalumi SIA, forgings

Door handles with and without mechanism

Door handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanismDoor handles with and without mechanism

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Products, services, keywords
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Aļņi, guest house
Aļņi, guest houseGuest house Aļņi is a modern house with ancient reed roof and stone wall. Guest hall rooms are great for their interior, wooden furniture and nice art works.
Baltijas durvis
Baltijas durvisDoors and windows, accessories.
Modra Bērziņa pieminekļu darbnīca, SIA "Akmens Raksti"
Modra Bērziņa pieminekļu darbnīca, SIA "Akmens Raksti"Stonecutter Modris Bērziņš offers borings in the stone, elements of fire place, works of art - sculptures. Makes granite tombstones, margins. Design elements for garden.
DUNENSE, leather accessories
DUNENSE, leather accessoriesRoku darbs, pasūtījumi pēc klientu vēlmēm, iespēja iestrādāt logotipu. Grāmatas ādas vākos, ādas piezīmju bloknoti, ādas somas, ādas vāki restorānu ēdienkartēm, dažādi citi ādas izstrādājumi.
Vestiena***, hotel
Vestiena***, hotelA guest house, cafe, rooms for seminars and a bathhouse. Fishing near the lakes and mushroom picking. Next to it there is a Latvia pride - Gaizinkalns (311m) and beside there is Bazu hill (268 m).
Aleksandra, sauna - recreation centre
Aleksandra, sauna - recreation centreVienmēr esam priecīgi Jūs redzēt mūsu jaunajās VIP saunās pašā pilsētas centrā. Jūsu rīcībā somu sauna, skaists, silts baseins ar kaskādi, hidromasāžu, pagaismu un mūsdienu filtrācijas sistēmu
Chiffon, clothing
Chiffon, clothingChiffon darbojas modes industrijas sfērā un piedāvā saviem klientiem individuālo apģērbu šūšanu kā arī veido nelielas sērijveida kolekcijas, kuras tiek realizētas savā salonā. Jaunākās modes tendences, labākās cenas.
Ergoss, SIA, building material sale
Ergoss, SIA, building material saleErgoss. Koksnes plātņes - saplāksnis, mēbeļu plātnes, OSB plātnes. Dažādu finieru veidu zāģēšana. Mēbeles pēc pasūtījuma.
Ērgļi, camping
Ērgļi, campingCamping Ērgļi is situated in a area 12 km from LIEPAJA. You can spent your free time in a quite and beautiful countryside. There is Baltic sea near the camping.
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