Virškalni, ZS, territory improvement, planting
Virškalni, ZS, territory improvement, plantingZ/s Virškalni main occupation is working out greening projects and equipping gardens. As well as retail and wholesale of rose and other plants.
GRANITE, IKThe company Granites specialized in grave improvement. We manufacture, sell and install grave monuments, grave curbs, grave fences, as well as offer the creation of grave memorials. We offer to improve the grave site by landscaping and / or restoration.
Pils, guesthouse and cafe
Pils, guesthouse and cafeA very tasty meal for reasonable prices, banquets and party tables, a real latvian bathhouse.
Kandavas keramikas ceplis, workshop
Kandavas keramikas ceplis, workshopArtist Linda Romanovska. Ceramic.
Sanders, guest house
Sanders, guest houseGuest house Sanders. Lodging for the night, for relaxation - wooden tub with ozone, bicycle rent, next to the guest house thsre is shop-cafe.
Vaives, woodworking
Vaives, woodworkingKokmateriālu eksports, zāģmateriālu impregnēšana, žāvēšana, ēvelēšana, kalibrēšana, kā arī zāģmateriālu kvalitātes sertifikācija, zāģmateriālu tirdzniecību iekšējā tirgū.
Mauriņi, guest house
Mauriņi, guest houseGuest house Mauriņi is located in Allažu civil parish, about six kilometres from Sigulda. Mariņi is a two floor house with individual accomodations, fire place,swimming pool, bathhouse and festivity hall.
Jāņa Jaunsudrabiņa muzejs Riekstiņi
Jāņa Jaunsudrabiņa muzejs RiekstiņiPamatekspozīcija iepazīstina ar Jaunsudrabiņa dzīvi un daiļradi – te skatāmas viņa grāmatas, gleznas, fotogrāfijas, personīgās lietas(arī no Vācijas) u.c., betākuma sadzīves priekšmeti, kas iegūti Neretas pagasta un tuvākās apkārtnes viensētās, dod ieskatu tā laika sadzīvei lauku sētā.
EXI, furniture
EXI, furnitureSecond-hand furniture from Germany: second-hand leather furniture, commodes, sets of bedrooms. New furniture from catalogues. Nowhere cheaper!
Gintus, SIA, land surveying
Gintus, SIA, land surveyingLtd Gintus, land surveying, topography, minute planning, execution schemes, border plans.
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