Villa Vanilla, hotel
Villa Vanilla, hotelViesnīca Villa Vanilla piedāva 10 labiekārtotus numuriņus Siguldas klusajā centrā - tuvumā atrodas gan ēdināsnas vietas, gan ievērojami apskates objekti.
Baltijas pinumi
Baltijas pinumiBaltijas pinumi. Pītas mēbeles, tirdzniecības grozi un paplātes, gan daudzus citi izstrādājumi no dabīgiem materiāliem un, jauni risinājumi Jūsu idejām.
Falkors Building Industry, SIA
Falkors Building Industry, SIAFalkors I.A.U. specialize in confined space access work, high altitude industrial maintenance work, high angle rescue and rescue training. Our safety training programs and safety record are based on the use of IRATA certified professionals only.
Folio, SIA
Folio, SIAGrāmatvedības pakalpojumi un grāmatvedība. Gada pārskati, bilances uzņēmuma revīzīja, audits VID atskaites un deklarācijas, fizisko personu nodokļu deklarācijas sastādīšana, finansu, biznesa konsultācijas grāmatvedības un nodokļu konsultācijas.
OM Crafts, SIA
OM Crafts, SIARawCake are elegantly crafted and exceptionally delicious cakes made without flour, eggs, milk, or sugar. Our cakes stand out with their intense flavor, surpassing store-bought alternatives, and are significantly healthier.
Lantus, country house
Lantus, country houseLantus, the country house in Vidzeme. Cozy rooms, halls with a fire place, table laying, a sport ground, a pond, wood, wooden tub with a stove under the open sky.
Ūdensdzirnavas, guest house
Ūdensdzirnavas, guest houseLeisure complex in the renovated mill building 96 km from Riga. The guest hall. Sauna with a pool, 2 suites and a luxury room with Jacuzzi. A comfortable guest house.
EST Tehnoloģijas, SIA, trade and repair of scales
EST Tehnoloģijas, SIA, trade and repair of scalesAll kinds of scales trade and repair. Scales for commerce, home, warehouse, medicine, stacking services, labs and much more.
Hotel De Lita, hotel
Hotel De Lita, hotelNew, modern three star hotel De Lita opened its doors to the first guests in the year 2008, in Druskininkai that is the most beautiful Lithuanian health resort.
Bēnes Ozoli, flooring materials
Bēnes Ozoli, flooring materialsParquet production company Bēnes Ozoli is located in Dobele region Bēne. Production of parquet and sale. Parquet boards, parquet mosaics, floor lathes, laying accesory materials - oils, lackers, fillers.
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