Latgales Industriālais tehnikums

  • Jātnieku iela 87, Daugavpils, Latvija, LV-5410
  • (+371) 65446296
  • (+371) 63794300
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  • Juristische Person : Latgales Industriālais tehnikums
    Registration number : 90000066069
    Legal address : Jātnieku iela 87, Daugavpils, LV-5410
    : Valsts kase TRELLV22
    Account number : LV33TREL2150251006000

Latgales Industriālais tehnikums (LIT) is the largest construction vocational education institution in the Latgale region and one of the largest construction schools in Latvia. LIT implements professional secondary, vocational, further education and training programs.

The technical school currently implements 14 accredited vocational education programs (36 qualifications). Three educational programs (5 qualifications) are implemented in the IPĪV "Dagda" and two educational programs (3 qualifications) in the IPĪV "Višķi". More than 1300 students study at the technical school and 145 teachers work there.

LIT has six departments: Construction Department, Architecture and Design Department, Heat, Gas and Water Technology Department, Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering Department, Catering Department and Agriculture Department.

Students not only acquire the chosen specialty, but also develop their creative and physical abilities by participating in various sports clubs, the vocal ensemble "Celtnieks" and the club "Erudīts".

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