Līgatnes Zemturi, guest house
- Zemturi, Līgatnes pagasts, Cēsu novads, Latvija, LV-4108
- (+371) 29482791 - pirms ierašanās - zvanīt
- ligatneszemturi@inbox.lv
- www.ligatneszemturi.lv
- Draugiem
- www.instagram.com/ligatnes_zemturi/
- Booking
- Waze
- Google maps
- Legal address : Briņķi, Līgatnes pagasts: AS "Swedbank" HABALV22Account number : LV48HABA0551036269102
Bathing grounds

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Product viewed: 19475
View in catalog : Bathing grounds
Products, services, keywords
- Outdoor leisuremore details
- Fishingmore details
- A canopy for parties and seating60 €more details
- Accommodationsmore details
- Campingsmore details
- Spāņu māja (Houses for 7 people)45 €more details
- Kamīnmāja (Lodges for six)till 64.03 €more details
- Mednieku (Lodges for five)45 €more details
- Electrical connection
- Drinking water refill
- Sewerage acceptance
- The houses for holidays40 - 110 €more details
- Tent places5 €
- Trailer connectionmore details
- Banquet hallsmore details
- Terrace for festivities and recreationmore details
- Places for weddingsmore details
- Party housesmore details
- Fireplace roomfrom 110 €more details
- Serving tables10 - 22 €more details
- Lauku pirts (Bathhouses, saunas)more details
- koka kubls (baļļa) (Saunas)50 €more details
- Outdoor leisuremore details
- Play yardschildrens playgroundsmore details
- Picnic placesmore details
- Boat rental3 €more details
- Bathing groundsmore details
- Place for sport games
- Basket-ball areas
- Volleyball courts
- Amusement parks, Amusements
- Parking lot