LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Aļņi, guest house
Aļņi, guest houseGuest house Aļņi is a modern house with ancient reed roof and stone wall. Guest hall rooms are great for their interior, wooden furniture and nice art works.
Liedags, guest house
Liedags, guest houseGuest house is situated on the side of Liepaja-Ventspils highway. Guest house "Liedags" offers 16 comfortable rooms, delicious meals in snack bar, rooms for conference and celebrations, a bathhouse with swimming pool.
Ekoloģiskas lineļļas koka krāsas
Ekoloģiskas lineļļas koka krāsasEcological wooden linseed oil pain Ecolin. Product highlights the wood's natural structure and the surface treatment becomes dull, and wear resistant.
Edīte Začeste, tekstila dizainere
Edīte Začeste, tekstila dizainerePārsvarā izgatavoju mājas tekstilu - aizkarus, galdsegas, salvetes, sedziņas, galda celiņus, segas, pārklājus, spilvendrānas, paklājus, grīdas celiņus, dvieļus. Tāpat aužu arī šalles, lakatus, apmetņus.
LD apartamenti
LD apartamentiWelcom
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, camping
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, campingRecreation centre on the bank of the Venta. 8 well equipped campings, great guest house with a pub, festivity and seminar rooms. Our guesthouse and camping “Ventaskrasti” is located right on the riverside of Venta. We offer: - Beautiful
Sveba-Dahlen, OÜ
Sveba-Dahlen, OÜSVEBA DAHLEN BALTIC equipment for bakers, pastries and pizzerias. Deck, rack, pizza's ovens, industrial, in-store, tunnel ovens, fermentation cabinets
Hotel KOLUMBS, hotel
Hotel KOLUMBS, hotelWe welcome both residents and guests of Liepaja. We offer cozy rooms for work, leisure and entertainment. The hotel offers 30 cozy and comfortable rooms, a conference and seminar room with a pleasant interior. You will forget the daily hurry and worry at the restaurant with your friends. You can enjoy a sauna with a hydro massage bath in a recreational complex.
Jost Residence, holiday house
Jost Residence, holiday houseLuksusa brīvdienu māja, kur sanākt kopā ar draugiem un ģimeni, vai romantiskas, mājīgas un kvalitatīvas brīvdienas tikai diviem.
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