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LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Porto Resort, hotel
 Porto Resort, hotelPORTO RESORT is a beautiful hotel settled in a log building, surrounded by a vast territory right on the shores of Lake Lilaste. It is a perfect place for relaxing together with the family and friends, for organising a festive event, as well as for business meetings and seminars.
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, camping
Ventaskrasti, guest house, tavern, campingRecreation centre on the bank of the Venta. 8 well equipped campings, great guest house with a pub, festivity and seminar rooms. Our guesthouse and camping “Ventaskrasti” is located right on the riverside of Venta. We offer: - Beautiful
DEVI, heat engineering
DEVI, heat engineeringDEVI is the only enetrprise in electric technical production sphere, which produces and improves electric heating cable and thermoregulator complex systems.
Lotes Toys, store
Lotes Toys, storeToys made of wood and other natural material has a special meaning. Natural material is recommenden by medical specialists also for kids with speech or vision disorder.
Albatross Resort
Albatross ResortAlbatross SPA recreation complex has a 25m swimming pool with three lanes with a water temperature of 28 ° C, the depth of the pool at the shallow end is 1 meter, in the middle - 1.5 meters, at the deepest end 2 meters, a 7m children's pool with a water temperature of 32 ° C, average depth 0.5 meters, sauna and steam bath
DIAVERS, SIA, tinsmiths works, roof covering
DIAVERS, SIA, tinsmiths works, roof coveringJumta seguma remonts, uzstādīšana, skursteņa pieslēguma remonts, sniega barjeras uzstādīšana, jumta logu, lūku iestrāde, jumta seguma papildelementu uzstādīšana, darbs ar dažādiem jumta segumiem, jumta seguma apsekošana un savlaicīga bojājumu konstatēšana, jumta seguma mazgāšana, jumta seguma atbrīvošana no sūnas, jumta seguma atbrīvošana no sniega, apledojuma, lietus ūdens noteksistēmas attīrīšana un, ja nepieciešams, remonts, jumta seguma krāsošanas darbi.
Vītoli, leisure complex
Vītoli, leisure complexLabiekārtotas viesu mājas gleznaina Rāznas ezera krastā, Rāznas nacionālā parka teritorijā. Pie mums ir iespējams rīkot svinīgus pasākumus, atpūsties, kā arī veldzēties Rāznas ezerā. Iespējams dzīvot divvietīgās, trīsvietīgās un četrvietīgās istabiņās.
OM Crafts, SIA
OM Crafts, SIARawCake are elegantly crafted and exceptionally delicious cakes made without flour, eggs, milk, or sugar. Our cakes stand out with their intense flavor, surpassing store-bought alternatives, and are significantly healthier.
Bērnu sala, Childrens goods
Bērnu sala, Childrens goodsBērnu preču veikals «Bērnu sala» ir veikals, kurš piedāvā preces zīdaiņiem un bērniem, un gādā par to, lai atvieglotu vecākiem ikdienas soli un rūpes par bērniņu, lai vecāki varētu veltīt daudz vairāk kvalitatīva laika savam mazajam mīlulim.
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