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Astroselena, education center
The training at the Astroselen Education Center is suitable for both those who want to obtain a professional higher education in astrology, as well as those who want to understand this interesting science for their personal needs by learning the art of interpreting different horoscopes.
Vītoli, leisure complex
Labiekārtotas viesu mājas gleznaina Rāznas ezera krastā, Rāznas nacionālā parka teritorijā. Pie mums ir iespējams rīkot svinīgus pasākumus, atpūsties, kā arī veldzēties Rāznas ezerā. Iespējams dzīvot divvietīgās, trīsvietīgās un četrvietīgās istabiņās.
Indāni, country house
The country house,a bathhouse, a farm( biological agriculture). Riding on horses, excursions in the country farm. Ancient tools collection
Gaujas Lukss, café - banquet hall
Kafejnīca - banketu zāle Gaujas Lukss piedāvā svinību telpas no 10 līdz 100 cilvēkiem. Klājam gan kāzu galdus, gan bēru mielastus.
Waldmeisteri, guest house
A cosy rest hall with bar,as well as a bathhouse and rooms for 11 people.Settle at us and enjoy the beautiful nature!
Kalves, holiday house
A holiday house at the lake Kalvene.
Porto Resort, hotel
PORTO RESORT is a beautiful hotel settled in a log building, surrounded by a vast territory right on the shores of Lake Lilaste. It is a perfect place for relaxing together with the family and friends, for organising a festive event, as well as for business meetings and seminars.
Park Hotel Kekava, hotel
A hotel, rooms for conferences and seminars, sauna, bar, table laying for several celebrations.
Latrex laivas
Enjoy unforgettable time on the water
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