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Bonaselect, furniture
Our online furniture store differs with guaranteed delivery times, as our transport travels across European countries, regardless of order volume. We do not limit the imagination of our clients and help to choose unique combinations of materials colors and textures. Most importantly, we work for clients to help equip your home. We offer stylish, practical and comfortable furniture for your home at no artificial extra charge.
Astroselena, education center
The training at the Astroselen Education Center is suitable for both those who want to obtain a professional higher education in astrology, as well as those who want to understand this interesting science for their personal needs by learning the art of interpreting different horoscopes.
Campo, water tourism
Campo. Everything about boating. Water tourism routes, inventory, rent, sale. Kajali, canoe. Rowing school.
Iešnalė, country house
A modern farmstead bowery in the territory of Žemaitija National Park close to Iešnalis Lake.
Mīts, working of stone
Company MĪTS produces 15 types and 8 colors concrete paving stone, road and street edges, concrete steps.
Laba pirts, bath - leisure complex
Ballītēm, nopietnām svinībām, atpūtai - Laba pirts pie Gaujas. Kamīnzālīte, banketu zāle 50 personām, mitrā lauku pirts, baseins.
Zvejnieki 2000, SIA, recreation centre
Each of four cottages are provided for six people and is fitted with electric batteries. A bathhouse with a hall, arbour for celebrations, relaxation at the lake Ciecere.
Skursteņmeistars, SIA
Latvijas Amatniecības Kamerā diplomēti skursteņslauķu amata meistari, zeļļi un mācekļi sniedz sekojošus pakalpojumus:
Mehāniskās ventilācijas sistēmu tīrīšanu,
Dūmvadu projektēšanu, pieņemšanu ekspluatācijā,
Skursteņu un apkures ierīču tīrīšanu...
Apkure EV, SIA
Apkures katlu tirdzniecība, gāzes degļu tirdzniecība, gaisa sildītāju tirdzniecība, JUNKERS apkures katli. Apkures katlu, katlu māju, gāzes vadu, iekārtu sistēmu remonts, apkalpošana, serviss, apkope. Apkures sistēmas, projektēšana, izbūve, apkalpošana.
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