Latrex laivas

  • Ziediņi, Daugmales pagasts, Ķekavas novads, Latvija
  • (+371) 26694318 - 7:30 - 20:00
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  • Juristische Person : LATREX, SIA
    Registration number : 40103294754
    Legal address : A. M. Keldiša iela 13 - 37, Rīga

Latrex is a Latvian company, which engaged with fiberglass motorboat, rowing boat, canoe boat design, fabrication and restoration.
During its activity Latrex has become one of the leading company of industry in Baltic States.
The company has offices in Latvian, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Spain, Belarus.
For more information contact us. We are ready to make modifications and completely new fiberglass products.

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