Jau vairāk nekā 10 gadus Jelgavas rajonā darbojas kokapstrādes uzņēmums Amatnieki. Ir pieejami dažādi piederumi Jūsu virtuvei, mājai, pirtij, dārzam, kā arī visam pārējam, sākot no koka lāpstiņām un karotītēm, beidzot ar pārvietojamu saunu un mucu, kurā var sildīties cauru gadu. Izgatavojam arī pēc pasūtījuma vajadzīgās lietas, varam atgādāt vajadzīgajā vietā. Pieejami dažādi koki (apse, ozols, osis, dižskabārdis, sarkankoks, ķirsis, plūme, ābele u.c.) Atrodamies Jelgavas rajonā, Sesavas pagastā. Pie mums var nokļūt pa Elejas - Bauskas šoseju. Ceļa sestajā kilometrā, labajā pusē atrodas balta ēka. Garām nepabrauksiet! Labprāt atbildēsim uz visiem Jūsu jautājumiem un gaidīsim ciemos.
Products, services, keywords
    Fully viewed : 108713
    Showed in search results : 1503664
    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
    RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
    LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
    Skrivanek Baltic, SIA, Language School, translation bureau
    Skrivanek Baltic, SIA, Language School, translation bureauOur company has operated in the Czech market since 1994. For more than ten years we have been gathering experience, experience that makes us able to provide you with top quality language services.
    Vintāža, guest house
    Vintāža, guest houseViesu nams svinībām ar banketa zāli līdz 45 cilvēkiem kāzu, jubileju, dzimšanas dienu un korporatīvo pasākumu organizēšanai vai vienkāršai atpūtai.
    P. Čerņavska keramikas māja
    P. Čerņavska keramikas mājaExhibition visit. Participation. Ceramic souvenirs.
    Jena motors, SIA, recreation farm
    Jena motors, SIA, recreation farmQuadracycle, motoroller, motorcycle, water and snow motorcycle rent and sale. Sport inventory rent.
    Avotkalni, place of recreation
    Avotkalni, place of recreationRecreation place Avotkalni offers a nice rest at the Salaca river - places for tents and picnic, sport grounds with inventory, children play grounds, going by boats and bikes, fishing.
    Rūķīši, guest house
    Rūķīši, guest houseRūķīši, guest house in Murjāņi. Recreation at the Gauja, lodgings for night, bathhouse, banquet hall, places for tents.
    ANVI AM, SIA, workshop
    ANVI AM, SIA, workshopANVI AM produces national costumes from 1994. Children linen clothes, table clothes, curtains, pillows, rocking chairs, hammocks. Available indvidual orders.
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