
Guest house Valteri is a wonderful place to stay at either with your family or in the company of friends and colleagues. The hotel is located on the bank of the Daugava River, . It can accommodate up to 70 persons at a time. You can enjoy rural life, peace and nature as well as the vicinity of the Daugava. It ideally fits various occasions such as celebrations, weddings, picnics, seminars and summer camps. There is also a pleasant opportunity to relax attending sauna or outside wooden spa tub.

Guest house Valteri has a soul. Every single detail of it has a special aura of love and comfort, created by a wood sculptor. Welcome to Valteri!

It is the perfect place to arrange your family holidays, celebrations, summer camps, seminars. We can accommodate up to 70 persons. Enjoy the amenities of well-equipped rooms (extra 35 places on mattresses avail.).

You can relax at the fireplace, singing karaoke, playing billiard or watching TV. For more secluded atmosphere you can enjoy the guest house or summerhouse. There is a swing on the bank of the Daugava River and a recreation ground for children.

Kitchen is at your disposal. You can prepare a meal for yourself and your guests. Catering is available by prior arrangement.

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