LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Labs virziens, SIA
Labs virziens, SIAPakalpojumā ietilpst grāmatvedības pirmdokumentu sakārtošana un reģistrēšana, finanšu atskaišu sagatavošana un iesniegšana Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta EDS sistēmā, Centrālās Statistikas pārvaldes e-pārskatu sistēmā un citās institūcijās pēc nepieciešamības.
Gintus, SIA, land surveying
Gintus, SIA, land surveyingLtd Gintus, land surveying, topography, minute planning, execution schemes, border plans.
Photorent, IK
Photorent, IKFotonoma Rīgas centrā piedāvā kameras, objektīvus, zibspuldzes, audio un video tehniku, apgaismojumu un citus aksesuārus profesionāļiem un amatieriem. Pastāvīgajiem klientiem un īrei ilgtermiņā atlaides.
Lejasmalas, leisure complex
Lejasmalas, leisure complexHoliday houses and a bathhouse on the bank of Leja lake. A romantic recreation place on a desert island. Rooms for seminars and banquets. Places for tents and picnic.
Jaunmoku pils, hotel
Jaunmoku pils, hotelJaunmoku pils - country estate ensamble - museum, art exhibition, hotel and place for festivities.
FindGlass, car glass
FindGlass, car glassFindGlass Auto Glass Service offers auto glass replacement and repair for all types of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, as well as ADAS camera calibration.
Latrex laivas
Latrex laivasEnjoy unforgettable time on the water
Hotel Tigra, hotel
Hotel Tigra, hotelHotel Tigra in Cēsis wil wait in order to provide rest after day works and activities. Special moments can be enjoyed in recreation centre, where is bathhouse, swimming pool and banquet - seminar hall.
Baltic Media, translation office
Baltic Media, translation officeTranslation office Baltic Media Ltd. is the leading language services company in Northern Europe. It provides translation and localization as well as language training services. Translations from and into Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese, German, English, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian.
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