Viduslaiku izklaides
- Niedru Lijas, Jaunpils novads, Latvija
- (+371) 26336513
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Medieval school of knights (School of dark ages)
Price : 2.85 - 4.27 €
"Medieval school" - it is special program for tourist gruops. Every can shoot with bow and crosbow, throw the axes or spear, work in backsmith workshop. Pupils can try the weapons and armorie form medieval times.

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Product viewed: 38216
View in catalog : School of dark ages
Products, services, keywords
- Amusement parks, Amusementsmore details
- Throwing axemore details
- Throwin spearmore details
- crossbow shooting (Shooting withan arbaletShooting with a bow)more details
- Money forging and luck castingmore details
- archery (Shooting with a bow)more details
- Viduslaiku dzīres, viduslaiku kāzas, viduslaiku turnīrs (Medieval entertainments)more details
- Medieval school of knights (School of dark ages)2.85 - 4.27 €more details