Baltijas pinumi

Saviem pasūtītājiem varam piedāvāt gan pītas mēbeles, gan tirdzniecības grozus un paplātes, gan daudzus citus izstrādājumus no dabīgiem materiāliem un, protams, jaunus risinājumus Jūsu idejām.
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    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
    RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
    Telpaugi.lvPlants for office and home, also plant rental for exhibition and parties! Forget about  dying plants that look awful, our gardeners will take care of everything!
    ANVI AM, SIA, workshop
    ANVI AM, SIA, workshopANVI AM produces national costumes from 1994. Children linen clothes, table clothes, curtains, pillows, rocking chairs, hammocks. Available indvidual orders.
    Akmeņkalis, SIA, working of stone
    Akmeņkalis, SIA, working of stoneSIA "Akmeņkalis" tika dibināts 1991.gadā. Uzņēmums šo gadu laikā pilnveidojis un attīstijis dažādas jaunās tehnoloģijas, lai panāktu iespēju izveidot no akmeņa neiespējamo. Uzņēmums nodarbojas ar dažādu veidu dabisko akmeņu apstrādi.  
    Cīrulīši, health and recreation centre
    Cīrulīši, health and recreation centreRooms for celebrations, rooms for conferences, seminars, a hotel, bathhouses, jacuzzi, active rest and children campsites.
    Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalis
    Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalisUlda Kleina akmeņkaļu darbnīca. Kapu pieminekļu izgatavošana, uzstādīšana, kapu vietas labiekārtošana.
    Albatross Resort
    Albatross ResortAlbatross SPA recreation complex has a 25m swimming pool with three lanes with a water temperature of 28 ° C, the depth of the pool at the shallow end is 1 meter, in the middle - 1.5 meters, at the deepest end 2 meters, a 7m children's pool with a water temperature of 32 ° C, average depth 0.5 meters, sauna and steam bath
    Kristīne Boļšedvorova, artist
    Kristīne Boļšedvorova, artistMāksliniece - keramiķe. Darbi no māla, porcelāna, akmensmasas, ģipša. Eļļas gleznas, akvareļi. Klusā daba, portreti, ziedi, ainavas, jūra, akti Pieņem pasūtījumus.
    Līgatne, rehabilitation center
    Līgatne, rehabilitation centerR/C Līgatne nodrošina plašu ārstu – rehabilitologu pakalpojumu spektru, dažādas rehabilitācijas programmas, veselības uzlabošanas un skaistumkopšanas programmas.
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