Luxury Chocolate, SIA
Luxury Chocolate, SIAOur passion is extraordinary chocolate. Luxury Chocolate Ltd. provides exceptional chocolate printing services with a level of personalization and luxury that is hard to beat on a global scale.
FindGlass, car glass
FindGlass, car glassFindGlass Auto Glass Service offers auto glass replacement and repair for all types of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, as well as ADAS camera calibration.
NBvet, SIA, veterinary clinic
NBvet, SIA, veterinary clinicNBvet veterinary clinic specializes in the treatment and surgery of small animals. We offer animal vaccinations, microchipping, necessary documentation processing, and registration with the Agricultural Data Centre. Our services include clinical examinations, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment prescriptions.
OM Crafts, SIA
OM Crafts, SIARawCake are elegantly crafted and exceptionally delicious cakes made without flour, eggs, milk, or sugar. Our cakes stand out with their intense flavor, surpassing store-bought alternatives, and are significantly healthier.
Bonaselect, furniture
Bonaselect, furnitureOur online furniture store differs with guaranteed delivery times, as our transport travels across European countries, regardless of order volume. We do not limit the imagination of our clients and help to choose unique combinations of materials colors and textures. Most importantly, we work for clients to help equip your home. We offer stylish, practical and comfortable furniture for your home at no artificial extra charge.
Darba drošības centrs, SIA
Darba drošības centrs, SIATulityökorttiTyöturvallisuuskorttiCertifikat för heta arbeten Occupational Safety CardHot work certificate
Vītoli, leisure complex
Vītoli, leisure complexLabiekārtotas viesu mājas gleznaina Rāznas ezera krastā, Rāznas nacionālā parka teritorijā. Pie mums ir iespējams rīkot svinīgus pasākumus, atpūsties, kā arī veldzēties Rāznas ezerā. Iespējams dzīvot divvietīgās, trīsvietīgās un četrvietīgās istabiņās.
Villa Vanilla, hotel
Villa Vanilla, hotelViesnīca Villa Vanilla piedāva 10 labiekārtotus numuriņus Siguldas klusajā centrā - tuvumā atrodas gan ēdināsnas vietas, gan ievērojami apskates objekti.
Gungas, guest house
Gungas, guest houseGungas -  etnographic holiday lodge for festivities, recreation and seminars.
Evergreen, working of stone
Evergreen, working of stoneStone processing - split stone goods - different cobble stones, design elements, using Latvia boulders.
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