Trutzi Baltic, SIA


Trutzi Baltic is part of the large Trutzi group - a metal retail and wholesale company that offers a wide range of metal products, including metal pipes, metal sheets, metal structures, steel beams, profiles, fittings, angles, poles, 3D panel fences and fences. The company works with clients throughout Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

We are confident that we can find you the right metal products for any project. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable, and we are always ready to help you find the best solution.

Contact us today to learn more!

We offer various types of products:

  • Metal pipes
  • (SHS) square tubes
  • (RHS) rectangular tubes
  • (CHS) Round tubes
  • Water pipes
  • Galvanized pipes
  • Rectangular pipes
  • Square bars
  • Steel beams (HEA, HEB)
  • Double-T beams
  • U-profile beams (IPN, IPE)
  • Metal sheets
  • Square
  • Flat iron
  • Round iron
  • CD profile
  • UD profile
  • Metal products
  • Metal for construction
  • Metal rolling
  • Forges
  • Angle iron
  • Armature
  • Sliding gate fittings
  • Fences and posts
  • Lamelas for fences
  • Metalworking auxiliary materials
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