Vienīgā pieejamā dzintaru darbnīca Latvijā - Harijs Jākobsons
- Vēju iela 1, Sigulda, Siguldas novads, Latvija, LV-2150
- (+371) 26185257
- Waze
- Google maps
"Everything about amber, amber acid - the best antioxidant, about cosmetical and healing properties of amber (in three languages: Latvian, German, Russian). Craft camera certified master H.Jākobsons invites to visit free of charge amber workshop and to aquaint with amber processing as well as to feel the magical influence of amber.
Pushers can try their hand in procession of amber. In Latvia master works there already late ago disappeared border between craftsmen and art works.
Master works professionally since 1977 and is the last representative of its dynasty in this sphere.
Due to lack of amber in Latvia in the proffesion work only some masters.
Visit - free of charge.
Advisable duration of visit from 45 minutes.
INFO - in Latvian, Russian and German.
Possibility to see in real workshop processing of amber and to try hand yourself. Possibility to buy author works withour mediators.
You can look at unique amber jewelery, which differ from mass production.
Visit of workshop must be coordinated before via mob. ( 371) 26185257 or email:"
Products, services, keywords
- Craftmore details
- Amber waremore details
- Amber earringsmore details
- Amber dzapemore details
- Amber ringsmore details
- Amber necklacesmore details
- Amber beadsmore details
- Amber braceletsmore details
- Jewelry
- Accessories for clothes and jewellery
- Jewelrymore details
- Art
- Creative workshopsmore details
- Books, bookstoresmore details
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