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LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Sutras Z/S, country house
Sutras Z/S, country houseZ/S SUTRAS offers rest in the country farm with a bath-house: rest at the are fire-place and fire, sport games, children entertainment and anniversary celebration.
Granda, joinery
Granda, joineryJoinery work of the company Granda. Stair manufacturing, installation; furniture manufacturing; oak beer barrels; bathhouse tubes and hot tubes; wood baths.
Mākslas darbnīca Antīks
Mākslas darbnīca AntīksArt workshop "Atīks". Paintings, pictures with ink, interior equipment, room decoration. Furniture restauration. Painting studio.
Juku dzirnavas, leisure complex
Juku dzirnavas, leisure complexJuku Dzirnavas is a beautiful 85 hectares of serene nature with various entertainment opportunities and a wide range of accommodations for couples, families and groups
Svētku pils, guest house
Svētku pils, guest houseViesu nams Svētku Pils atrodas Atpūtas vietā “4 Saules” un mūsu viesiem iespējams relaksēties pirtī, doties laivu braucienos, grillēt smaržīgus ēdienus un pavadīt laiku kopā pie dabas, baudot sauli, siltumu un vasaras smaržu.
Park Hotel Kekava, hotel
Park Hotel Kekava, hotelA hotel, rooms for conferences and seminars, sauna, bar, table laying for several celebrations.
Vuolake Hotelli, hotel
Vuolake Hotelli, hotelHotel Vuolake is a comfortable family hotel near the centre of Laukaa, about a 15-minute drive from Jyväskylä. Hotel Vuolake has 26 rooms.
Rīgas Koki, industrial climbing
Rīgas Koki, industrial climbingRīgas Koki. Rūpnieciskais alpīnisms. Labiekārtošana un apzaļumošana. Bīstamo koku zāģēšana. Telpu un teritoriju uzkopšana.
ML Grupa 3, building material sale
ML Grupa 3, building material saleBūvmateriālu interneta veikals. Fasādes un Siltumizolācijas materiāli. Jumta segumi. Sausie maisījumi, mastikas. Iekšdurvis. Skrūves un stiprinājumi.
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