J & J tehniskais klubs, autoskola

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Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikumsDaugavpils Technological and Tourism Technical School offers a wide range of vocational education programs for anyone interested. You can obtain vocational education with us both after primary school and after high school.
Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs
Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejsRīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs ir vecākais publiskais muzejs Latvijā un Baltijā, kā arī viens no vecākajiem Eiropā. Muzejs atrodas Vecrīgā, ievērojamā 13.–20. gs. arhitektūras piemineklī – Rīgas Doma ansamblī.
Akmens lietas, SIA
Akmens lietas, SIAŅemot vērā ilggadējo meistaru darbu pieredzi, SIA „Akmens Lietas” ir iespējams veikt visdažādākās sarežģītības pakāpes darbus, kas saistīti ar akmens apstrādi, t.i.: dažādu pieminekļu formu izveide un izgriešana, granīta un laukakmens zāģēšana, pulēšana, pārpulēšana
Zemeņu krastiņi, country house
Zemeņu krastiņi, country houseZemeņu Krastiņi. Country house ar Ilzas-Geraņimovas lake. Lodging for night, bathhouse, swimming places, inventory rent.
Baltic Media, translation office
Baltic Media, translation officeTranslation office Baltic Media Ltd. is the leading language services company in Northern Europe. It provides translation and localization as well as language training services. Translations from and into Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Faroese, German, English, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian.
Žuvine, fish restaurant
Žuvine, fish restaurantThe only fish restaurant in Palanga welcomes You at famous, renovated Basanaviciaus avenue. “Žuvinė“ is just few minutes away from the sea.
Kempings Sīļi, camping
Kempings Sīļi, campingFour place houses, bathhouse, places for picnics and tents on the beach. Seaside, Jurkalne 5 km. Beach volleyball , basketball and football grounds.
Muižnieki, camping
Muižnieki, campingMuižnieki, camping at the Usma lake. Guest house, bathhouse, places for tents. Recreation in nature, fishing, boat and couter rent.
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turaidas_muzejrezervats.jpgRecreation by seaIzglītības ceļvedisBaneru reklāma