Mežmaļi, galdniecība

Koks - cilvēka organismam draudzīga, nealerģiska dzīvās dabas sastāvdaļa; ideāls materiāls, kas ļauj izgatavot tieši Jūsu vēlmēm atbilstošas formas logus, izmantojot visdažādākos dekoratīvos elementus un pieskaņojoties jebkuram arhitektūras stilam. Neierobežota krāsu toņu izvēle ļauj koka logus un durvis pieskaņot vienlaikus gan iekštelpu interjeram, gan ēkas fasādei un citiem ainavas elementiem. Koka logi un durvis vairos Jūsu nama mājīgumu!!! Galdniecība Mežmaļi ir izveidota 1996.gadā. Sākotnēji izpildījām dažādus galdniecības darbus, bet, laikam ejot, esam specializējušies uz koka logu un durvju izgatavošanu. Mūsu darba organizācija ļauj realizēt katra klienta specifiskās vēlmes. Pieaugošā konkurence un klientu vēlmju spektra paplašināšanās nemitīgi liek mums pilnveidot ražošanas tehnoloģiju un meklēt arvien jaunus mūsdienīgus risinājumus. Strādājam ar vietējas izcelsmes materiāliem: priedi, bērzu, osi un ozolu. Uzskatām, ka labākā reklāma mūsu izgatavotajiem logiem un durvīm ir apmierināti klienti, tādēļ rūpīgi sekojam izstrādājumu kvalitātei un atrunātajiem termiņiem.
Products, services, keywords
    Fully viewed : 56866
    Showed in search results : 1059552
    Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
    Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
    Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums
    Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikumsDaugavpils Technological and Tourism Technical School offers a wide range of vocational education programs for anyone interested. You can obtain vocational education with us both after primary school and after high school.
    Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
    Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
    Kandavas vīna nams, SIA
    Kandavas vīna nams, SIAKandavas Wine House invites you to the "Kandava Taste Journey" – a tasting experience of Latvian wines and local delicacies. Enjoy an unforgettable culinary adventure with a carefully selected menu.
    Rockmole, SIA
    Rockmole, SIAFounded in 2022, our company offers full-cycle construction for water supply and sewage systems. 10 years of expertise. We guarantee quality, using top materials. Free site inspections.
    Sanders, guest house
    Sanders, guest houseGuest house Sanders. Lodging for the night, for relaxation - wooden tub with ozone, bicycle rent, next to the guest house thsre is shop-cafe.
    Zobārstniecības centrs Svenata
    Zobārstniecības centrs SvenataDentistry centre Svenata. Higly qualified specialists, the most modern equipment, porophylaxis of jaw and oral cavity.
    PTC, SIA, packing
    PTC, SIA, packingPTC Ltd 5000 different packaging materials and aids; equipments, possibility to buy materials in amy amount.
    Hotel Tigra, hotel
    Hotel Tigra, hotelHotel Tigra in Cēsis wil wait in order to provide rest after day works and activities. Special moments can be enjoyed in recreation centre, where is bathhouse, swimming pool and banquet - seminar hall.
    Ērgļi, camping
    Ērgļi, campingCamping Ērgļi is situated in a area 12 km from LIEPAJA. You can spent your free time in a quite and beautiful countryside. There is Baltic sea near the camping.
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