LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Purgaiļi, guest house
Purgaiļi, guest houseGuest house Purgaiļi. Bed places, catering, bathhouse, rooms for festivity, conference and seminars, sport ground, swimming possibilities, places for tents and picnic.
Latrex laivas
Latrex laivasEnjoy unforgettable time on the water
Vānes māja, guest house
Vānes māja, guest houseThe guest house is located about 100 km from Riga. The house can accommodate up to 12 people. There is a recently dug pond near the house, where you can swim after enjoying the sauna or a bath.
Kaņepītes, ZS, Organic farming
Kaņepītes, ZS, Organic farmingFarm "Kaņepītes" organically grows and produces various types of grain products from wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas and cumin. BIO flour, grains, flakes, etc. Drive your packages to the farm for the production, you will get a pleasant discount!
Zvejnieki 2000, SIA, recreation centre
Zvejnieki 2000, SIA, recreation centreEach of four cottages are provided for six people and is fitted with electric batteries. A bathhouse with a hall, arbour for celebrations, relaxation at the lake Ciecere.
Hutor Group
Hutor GroupRecreation center - 2 Guest Houses "Swans" with all conveniences and a Russian bath – wait for you on the shore of the picturesque Rušona Lake.
Lilaste, leisure complex
Lilaste, leisure complexClean and fresh forest air, picturesque lake, recreation facilities both on the shore and on water, comfortable rooms – we have everything for wonderful recreation.
Iks park, associations
Iks park, associationsBiedrība “Iks parks” piedāvā izbaudīt lauku priekus, spēlējoties un relaksējoties meža malā. Šeit iespējams nodarboties ar amatniecību, interaktīvā veidā iepazīt Latvijā augošos ārstniecības augus un to īpašības.
Mucenieki, country house
Mucenieki, country houseCountry house Mucenieki is located at the Abava river, next to the silent wood. Spaceous yard and pond. Separate house with a bathhouse, hall with a fire place and karaoke.
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