LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Odzienas muiža, manor house
Odzienas muiža, manor houseMuižas komplekss - telpas dažādiem svētkiem, semināriem un pasākumiem. Odzienas Krogusmājā varat pārlaist nakti jaukos pagājušā gadsimta sākumam atbilstoši iekārtotos numuriņos, kopumā 9 numuri, taču muižas kompleksā kopumā spējam izguldīt līdz 74 cilvēkiem.
Porto Resort, hotel
 Porto Resort, hotelPORTO RESORT is a beautiful hotel settled in a log building, surrounded by a vast territory right on the shores of Lake Lilaste. It is a perfect place for relaxing together with the family and friends, for organising a festive event, as well as for business meetings and seminars.
Mencendorfa nams, rīdzenieku māja-muzejs
Mencendorfa nams, rīdzenieku māja-muzejsMencendorfa nams – Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzeja filiāle – ar savu 17.-18. gs. mājokļa noskaņu ir vienīgais šāda tipa muzejs Baltijā un apmeklētājiem atvērts kopš 1992. gada 18. maija. Ekspozīcija iekārtota 1695. gadā celtā namā, kurš līdz pat 1939. gadam bija dzīvojamais nams ar veikalu un noliktavu stāviem.
Pārvietojamās pirtis, kubli, SUP dēļu un laivu noma
Pārvietojamās pirtis, kubli, SUP dēļu un laivu nomaPortable saunas - barrels, bathtubs. Boat rental for a trip on Abava, boating in Kurzeme, boat rental in Kandava, chauffeured transport from the end point of the boating to the place where you started the trip and left your means of transport. SUP board rental. Garden games.
Santa, hotel
Santa, hotelHotel "Santa" offers you that opportunity in Sigulda – Latvia. We are close to Sigulda centre – in the picturesque stick, near waterside with wonderful landscape
Nemuno Turas, guest house
Nemuno Turas, guest houseNemunas Tour. A modern homestead in beautiful village of Ringaudai in Kaunas suburb. Kaunas city centre is just 15 minutes away by car. It is a great place to have a rest or spend a holiday.
Ārijas stādaudzētava, tree nursery
Ārijas stādaudzētava, tree nurseryĀrijas stādaudzētava ir izveidota uz Lēdurgas dendroparka bāzes, kas garantē piedāvāto dekoratīvo augu stādu sekmīgu ieaugšanos vietējos klimatiskajos apstākļos.
DEVI, heat engineering
DEVI, heat engineeringDEVI is the only enetrprise in electric technical production sphere, which produces and improves electric heating cable and thermoregulator complex systems.
IS, SIA, log buildings
IS, SIA, log buildingsWe manufacture, deliver and mount log buildings from turned beams, as well as various other wood structures. We perform construction according to individual requirements and wishes of every client. In the construction of log buildings, we use natural materials, for instance, moss as sealing between beams, and we construct the buildings according to the ancient traditions of log building constructions. Our price offer includes complete structure mounting, except for laying foundation and installation of electric power and water supply, which we can carry out upon a prior agreement with the client on the additional volume of work and the extra costs. We carry out mounting of log buildings in the entire territory of Latvia, and costs of transportation within the distance of 120 km from the production unit in Valmiera have been included in the price. Upon the client’s request, we can also offer production of logs without delivery and mounting with documents enclosed for individual mounting. We provide different non-standard solutions, we can produce, for example, not only log buildings, but also garden furniture made of solid beams, pergolas, children’s playgrounds, dog-kennels, etc. Please send the inquiries about non-standard solutions and your questions to the e-mail and we will answer you as soon as possible to give a price offer and inform about the most appropriate solution. We will be happy to hear your wishes and find the solution that suits your needs best.
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