Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
Kameja, curtain salon
Kameja, curtain salonCurtain saloon Kameja. Curtains, modelling, sewing. Curtain nippers. Fabrics, sewing materials. Home textile. Sale. Modelling of clothes and sewing. Blinds.
Granīts O, SIA
Granīts O, SIAThe company is engaged in the manufacture of monuments, stone garden sculptures and interior design elements.
Campo, water tourism
Campo, water tourismCampo. Everything about boating. Water tourism routes, inventory, rent, sale. Kajali, canoe. Rowing school.
Mārcienas muiža, SPA hotel
Mārcienas muiža, SPA hotelMārcienas country seat. SPA complex, bathhouse, lodgings for night, conference and banquet halls, recreation in nature.
Darba drošības centrs, SIA
Darba drošības centrs, SIATulityökorttiTyöturvallisuuskorttiCertifikat för heta arbeten Occupational Safety CardHot work certificate
Bērnības sala, babysitting and development center
Bērnības sala, babysitting and development centerBērnu centra tiks organizētas radošas nodarbības, tiek apgūta jauna informācija, attīstītas jaunas prasmes un iemaņas. Liela izēvelē dažādu materiālu, pedagogi izmanto dažādas darba metodes. Nodarbības tiek pasniegtas latviešu un krievu valodā. Mūsu uzdevums ir lai bērnam centrā pavadītais laiks paiet pēc iespējas interesantāk, veicina- iztēli, uztveri, domāšanu, fantāziju un vingrina un nostiprina rokas sīku muskulatūru, praktiskā darbībā. Veicināt sociālo un emocionālo prasmju attīstīšanu, komunikācijas spējas. Piedāvāt mazākumtautību bērniem latviešu valodas apgūšanu. Nodarbību istabas ir iekārtotas gaišas un saulainas telpas un dažādam attistošam rotaļlietām atbilstoši bērnu vecumam.
Ezernieki, guest house
Ezernieki, guest houseEzernieki is a place, where you can have a rest both in large company of friends or in large family, it is possible to accept companies of 60 and 20 persons.
SPA Estonia, SPA hotel
SPA Estonia, SPA hotelToday SPA Estonia has become one of Estonia's biggest health centre with 500 lodging places. Uptoday equipped health centre, which consists of hotel, cure-, leisure- and beauty centre, can afford cosy and homely atmosphere.
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