Larus, autostāvvieta

Parking lot

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Products, services, keywords
Mega Star, freezing systems
Mega Star, freezing systemsSIA "MEGA STAR" is a specialized Latvian company, whose activity is focused on the implementation of complex tasks in the installation of industrial and commercial refrigeration, as well as conditioning systems.
Višķezers, place of recreation
Višķezers, place of recreationPlaces for tents, comfortable lodgings for the night, a bathhouse with a banquet hall (for 25 people), fishing.
Reiss, car service
Reiss, car serviceUzņēmums darbojas no 2008. gada auto apkopes, remonta un rezerves daļu tirdzniecības jomā. Uzņēmumā strādā astoņi pieredzējuši darbinieki. Piedāvājam visu marku vieglo, kā arī komerctransporta līdz 5 t apkopi un remontu.
Rozā sapnis, carnival and evening dress rental, online shop
Rozā sapnis, carnival and evening dress rental, online shopRozā sapnis. Carnival and evening dresses, lease and accessories.
Vidzemes vēnu centrs
Vidzemes vēnu centrsVienmēr laipni esat gaidīti Cēsīs "Vidzemes vēnu centrā". Garantējam laipnu, profesionālu attieksmi, izmeklēšanu un ārstēšanu mūsu uzņēmumā.
Erebuni, armenian restaurant
Erebuni, armenian restaurantRestorāns „Erebuni" atrodas gleznaina dārza ielenkumā, starp kokiem, ziediem un strūklakām. Nokļūstot šeit, jūs varēsiet patīkami atpūsties, nobaudīt īstus armēņu ēdienus, kas pagatavoti uz atklātas uguns.
Evergreen, working of stone
Evergreen, working of stoneStone processing - split stone goods - different cobble stones, design elements, using Latvia boulders.
Zilver, vīna darītava
Zilver, vīna darītavaPatlaban “Zilver” vīna darītavā tiek ražoti vairāk kā 10 dažādu ogu, augļu, meža ogu un pat ziedu vīni. Blakus esošajā vīnotavā kā tūristu grupām, tā arī individuālajiem apmeklētajiem tiek piedāvāta iespēja nobaudīt darītos vīnus, starp kuriem ikviens noteikti atradīs savai gaumei atbilstošu.
Saulrieti, atpūtas komplekss, recreation centre by the sea
Saulrieti, atpūtas komplekss, recreation centre by the seaRomantic weekend. Relaxation for all family, 16 comfortable and homey sleeping - places. Premises for celebration and banquet. Russian and Turkish bathhouses, jacuzzi.
Jūsu-mē, SIA
Jūsu-mē, SIAOn the store's website, you can find furniture and accessories from top Scandinavian, German, Italian, Polish, and other manufacturers. Every product is rigorously inspected for quality and safety by the manufacturer before being delivered to customers. All items are certified in accordance with European Union regulations.
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