Mencendorfa nams, rīdzenieku māja-muzejs


Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikumsDaugavpils Technological and Tourism Technical School offers a wide range of vocational education programs for anyone interested. You can obtain vocational education with us both after primary school and after high school.
Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
Sutras Z/S, country house
Sutras Z/S, country houseZ/S SUTRAS offers rest in the country farm with a bath-house: rest at the are fire-place and fire, sport games, children entertainment and anniversary celebration.
Lielkaibēni, guest house
Lielkaibēni, guest houseTwo halls with fireplaces, accommodation (30 beds). Parties for up to 70 people, catering services, party table setting.
Evergreen, working of stone
Evergreen, working of stoneStone processing - split stone goods - different cobble stones, design elements, using Latvia boulders.
Priedes māja, guest house
Priedes māja, guest houseViesnīca Helmi atrodas pašā Ainažu centrā, 500m attālumā no jūras. Kafejnīca, bārs un banketu zāle ar 25 vietām
Vaiņodes vidusskola
Vaiņodes vidusskolaVaiņodes vidusskola piedāvā plašu un daudzveidīgu interešu izglītības darbu - 5 kori, 4 vokālie ansambļi, 9 tautas deju kolektīvi, vizuālās mākslas un mājturības pulciņš, kokapstrādes pulciņš,skatuves runas nodarbības, latviskās dzīvesziņas pulciņš, teātra pulciņš, robotikas pulciņš, elektronikas pulciņš, dabaszinību pulciņš, novadpētniecībaspulciņš, Vaiņodes novada jaunsargu vienība.
ML Grupa 3, building material sale
ML Grupa 3, building material saleBūvmateriālu interneta veikals. Fasādes un Siltumizolācijas materiāli. Jumta segumi. Sausie maisījumi, mastikas. Iekšdurvis. Skrūves un stiprinājumi.
NAD.LV Repatriācijas un apbedīšanas birojs Rīgā
NAD.LV Repatriācijas un apbedīšanas birojs RīgāFuneral services in Riga, funeral in Latvia, cremation and cremation. Organization of repatriation services. Morgue and catafalque services.
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