Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinicMūsu klīnikās Jūs saņemsiet kvalificētu konsultāciju un medicīnisko palīdzību, īstu sapratni un atbalstu. Jo taču tieši tas ir nepieciešams gan saslimušajiem mīluļiem gan to īpašniekiem.
Juris Tumulkāns
Juris TumulkānsKeramiķis Juris Tumulkāns dzīvo un strādā Rīgā, jau 15 gadus vada VEF Kultūras pils Tautas Lietišķās mākslas studiju „Saule”, rīko un piedalās dažādās izstādēs un citos kultūras pasākumos.
Kaņepītes, ZS, Organic farming
Kaņepītes, ZS, Organic farmingFarm "Kaņepītes" organically grows and produces various types of grain products from wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas and cumin. BIO flour, grains, flakes, etc. Drive your packages to the farm for the production, you will get a pleasant discount!
Nemuno Turas, guest house
Nemuno Turas, guest houseNemunas Tour. A modern homestead in beautiful village of Ringaudai in Kaunas suburb. Kaunas city centre is just 15 minutes away by car. It is a great place to have a rest or spend a holiday.
Moto & Metal NESTER CUSTOM art gallery, art gallery
Moto & Metal NESTER CUSTOM art gallery, art galleryNESTER CUSTOM is a creative workshop for the creation of designer furniture and unique sculptures made of metal. Car, motorcycle, power tools and other metal products are used as the basis for our products. Our company began to develop in the repair of wrecked cars and restoration of motorcycles, which we continue to do successfully and Today, in parallel creating authoring custom bikes.
Nāras, hotel - guesthouse
Nāras, hotel - guesthouseRecreation centre Nāras is located in Naukšēni, on the bank of Rūja, in the prior spirit brewery building, 156 km from Riga, 50 km from Valmiera.
Miķeļbāka, camping
Miķeļbāka, campingGuest house Miķeļbāka offers camping houses. Shower and WC. It is possible to order meal. Bicycle rent, gathering berries and mushrooms. Not far from the sea.
Logu Plēves, SIA
Logu Plēves, SIAWe install films in industrial, industrial premises, offices, shops, hotels, kindergartens, schools and other government institutions, private houses and apartments, everywhere there is glass and glass products.
Latgales Industriālais tehnikums
Latgales Industriālais tehnikumsDaugavpils Būvniecības tehnikums ir lielākā būvniecības mācību iestādeLatgales reģionā un viena no lielākajām būvniecības skolām Latvijā. DBT īsteno profesionālās vidējās, pamatizglītības programmas ar pedagoģisko korekciju, tālākizglītības un pilnveides programmas.
Jura putni, museum
Jura putni, museumWoodengraving museum " Jura birds".You will see owls, that are symbols of cleverness and other different birds. The park resembles the place where nature is loved and everything is in order.
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