Alejas projekti, SIA


Misija – no projekta līdz ziedošam dārzam!

Vīzija – Alejas projekti ir viens no vadošajiem uzņēmumiem Latvijā, kas nodrošina pilnu apsaimniekošanas ciklu apstādījumu ierīkošanā un kopšanā. Alejas projekti ir specializēts uzņēmums, kas sniedz pakalpojumus apzaļumošanas un labiekārtošanas jomās. Mūsu izpratnē „dārzs” ir jebkura mēroga ainavas radīšana un kopšana. Kopšana nodrošina, ka ainava laikam ritot nezaudē sākotnējo ideju, nobriest un mainoties gadalaikiem mūs priecē ar jaunām niansēm krāsās un formās. Mūsu radītā vidē Jūs smelsieties spēkus gan darbā, gan atpūtā.

Palielinoties darba apjomiem ir nepieciešamība saglabāt un uzlabot mūsu sniegto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, tādēļ uzņēmums uzsācis ieviest kvalitātes vadības sistēmu, atbilstoši ISSO 9001 standartiem.

Ja pietrūkst padoma, ir ideju pārpina galva, bet nezināt kā to visu salikt kopā, sapņojat par ziedošu dārzu – atliek ... piezvanīt!

Products, services, keywords
    Fully viewed : 65851
    Showed in search results : 662871
    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
    Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
    RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
    LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
    Birzgaļi Z/S, lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirdzniecība
    Birzgaļi Z/S,  lauksaimniecības tehnikas tirdzniecībaNew and used tractors from Japan. Trailers, plows, cutter, tractor servicing and warranty repairs. MITSUBISHI, FOTON, KUBOTA, ISEKI, MURATORO, YANMAR.
    Pīlādži, tree nursery
    Pīlādži, tree nurseryFruit-growing. The aim is to provide with qualitative, in Vidzeme tried, homegrown fruit tree and berry bush plants.
    Ezerkrasti, recreation centre
    Ezerkrasti, recreation centreRelaxation near the lake Razna. 3 new and gallant guest houses. Premises for celebrations and relaxation. Banquet and conference halls. Cozy rooms for sleeping. Bathhouses,a swiming pool, activ relaxation...
    Kampas, furniture
    Kampas, furnitureKampas. Each person wants to have comfortable, natural and strong furniture.
    Vienkiemis, leisure complex
    Vienkiemis, leisure complexThere is a modern building in the farmstead accommodating a hotel, bath, and a café. Ancient Museum of Rural Life, two Lithuanian baths, a small zoo, and a playground for children are active.
    Kaktusu māja
    Kaktusu mājaLolita Bālere is a master of handicrafts, who has exhibited her works in several Latvian libraries with great success. The Lolita collection features 250 knitted and crocheted cacti, as well as various masterpieces. For a leisurely enjoyment of the handicraft collection, the owner of the exhibition offers to sip warm tea and aromatic coffee in the cozy seating area. All Cactus Home products can be purchased.
    Mega Star, freezing systems
    Mega Star, freezing systemsSIA "MEGA STAR" is a specialized Latvian company, whose activity is focused on the implementation of complex tasks in the installation of industrial and commercial refrigeration, as well as conditioning systems.
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