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LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
SPA Estonia, SPA hotel
SPA Estonia, SPA hotelToday SPA Estonia has become one of Estonia's biggest health centre with 500 lodging places. Uptoday equipped health centre, which consists of hotel, cure-, leisure- and beauty centre, can afford cosy and homely atmosphere.
Virškalni, ZS, territory improvement, planting
Virškalni, ZS, territory improvement, plantingZ/s Virškalni main occupation is working out greening projects and equipping gardens. As well as retail and wholesale of rose and other plants.
Jolanta, hotel
Jolanta, hotelRecreation centre Jolanta, in Aluksne, offers comfortable and cozy hotel rooms. Sauna, swimming pool, banquet hall. Friendly prices.
Skursteņmeistars, SIA
Skursteņmeistars, SIALatvijas Amatniecības Kamerā diplomēti skursteņslauķu amata meistari, zeļļi un mācekļi sniedz sekojošus pakalpojumus: Mehāniskās ventilācijas sistēmu tīrīšanu, Dūmvadu projektēšanu, pieņemšanu ekspluatācijā, Skursteņu un apkures ierīču tīrīšanu...
Vīnogu stādi
Vīnogu stādiMore than 300 grape varieties are currently grown on the farm of grape plant grower and variety collector Gata Kužums for inspection purposes in the garden. Every year the collection is supplemented with 20 - 30 new varieties, discarding those that are not suitable for our conditions. We will be happy to help you grow a fruitful vine in your home, which will delight you with sweet and juicy berries.
Chiffon, clothing
Chiffon, clothingChiffon darbojas modes industrijas sfērā un piedāvā saviem klientiem individuālo apģērbu šūšanu kā arī veido nelielas sērijveida kolekcijas, kuras tiek realizētas savā salonā. Jaunākās modes tendences, labākās cenas.
Everte, SIA, cleaning services
Everte, SIA, cleaning servicesProfessional room and territory cleaning service. Office, house and apartment cleaning services. Premises cleaning and washing, floor care. Window washing. Hotel - type cleaning services. Territory cleaning. Snow and ice cleaning.
Miķeļbāka, camping
Miķeļbāka, campingGuest house Miķeļbāka offers camping houses. Shower and WC. It is possible to order meal. Bicycle rent, gathering berries and mushrooms. Not far from the sea.
Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalis
Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalisUlda Kleina akmeņkaļu darbnīca. Kapu pieminekļu izgatavošana, uzstādīšana, kapu vietas labiekārtošana.
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