
Veterinary therapy, examination of pet diseases, complex vaccinations for dogs, cats, ferrets and rabbits; veterinary surgery: cat castration, cat sterilization and other operations; documentation necessary for traveling etc. (reasonable prices!).

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Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
Bekiški, guest house
Bekiški, guest houseMūsu viesu nams atrodas skaistā vietā, Ilzas Geraņimovas ezera krastā. Divstāvu koka mājā ir banketa zāle, trīs istabiņas, 40 guļvietas, virtuve un duša. 10 metrus no krasta ir pirts un neliela atpūtas vieta.
Princis, SIA
Princis, SIAJāšanas sporta kluba Princis saimniecībā ir aptuveni 70 zirgi. Piedāvājam izjādes ar zirgiem un ponijiem Jelgavā, jāšanas apmacību, zirgu pansijas, zirgu tirdzniecības pakalpojumus. Perspektīvākie piedalās valsts un starptautiska līmeņa sacensībās.
LMIC servisa centrs
LMIC servisa centrsLMIC SERVISS is an authorised SIEMENS partner of the service. We do Siemens mobile phone guarantee and after guarantee repairs. We repair NOKIA, SAMSUNG, SonyEricsson, Motorola, etc.
ML Grupa 3, building material sale
ML Grupa 3, building material saleBūvmateriālu interneta veikals. Fasādes un Siltumizolācijas materiāli. Jumta segumi. Sausie maisījumi, mastikas. Iekšdurvis. Skrūves un stiprinājumi.
Mozello, mājas lapu izstrāde
Mozello, mājas lapu izstrādeIzveido savu mājas lapu vai interneta veikalu 5 minūtēs, bez maksas. Ātri, viegli, profesionāli. Šis ir vislabākais piedāvājums gan Latvijā gan pasaulē. Izmēģini tagad!
Dubultmuiža, guest house
Dubultmuiža, guest houseGuest house Dubultmuiža offers: banquet hall (40 people), bathhouse, swimming pool, hot tub, 8 rooms for lodging for night. We are in Riga territory.
Iecavnieki, guest house
Iecavnieki, guest houseA guset house Iecavnieki is situated on a fringe of wood, at the bank of the river Daugava. A bath with a swimming pool, a hall with a fire place for banquets (50 people). Six rooms with a shower and WC.
Dimzas, tree nursery
Dimzas, tree nurserySeed-plot Dimzas are offering for costumers: a wide assortment of ornamental plants. Floristic materials. We draft and realize greening projects.
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