Products, services, keywords
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Zilver, vīna darītava
Zilver, vīna darītavaPatlaban “Zilver” vīna darītavā tiek ražoti vairāk kā 10 dažādu ogu, augļu, meža ogu un pat ziedu vīni. Blakus esošajā vīnotavā kā tūristu grupām, tā arī individuālajiem apmeklētajiem tiek piedāvāta iespēja nobaudīt darītos vīnus, starp kuriem ikviens noteikti atradīs savai gaumei atbilstošu.
Hutor Group
Hutor GroupRecreation center - 2 Guest Houses "Swans" with all conveniences and a Russian bath – wait for you on the shore of the picturesque Rušona Lake.
Lielanteni, woodworking
Lielanteni, woodworkingBūvniecības zāģmateriāli, apdares dēļi, koka paletes, ražoti un piegadāti sadarbības partneriem EU. Uzņēmums piedāvā visa veida zāģmateriālus celtniecībai - dēļus, brusas, latas.
Pētes, territory improvement, planting
Pētes, territory improvement, plantingSpeciālisti ātri un droši nozāģēs bīstamos kokus jūsu īpašumā, kā arī nodrošinās koksnes atlieku un zaru transportēšanu un utilizāciju. Pieredze lielu objektu (trases gar ielām, lieli būvlaukumi).
Izbushka, viesu nams, bath
Izbushka, viesu nams, bathNice bathhouse, where the guests can warm, enjoy bathhouse, use shower after the bathhouse or to cool down in the swimming pool. Fire place.
Pārvietojamās pirtis, kubli, SUP dēļu un laivu noma
Pārvietojamās pirtis, kubli, SUP dēļu un laivu nomaPortable saunas - barrels, bathtubs. Boat rental for a trip on Abava, boating in Kurzeme, boat rental in Kandava, chauffeured transport from the end point of the boating to the place where you started the trip and left your means of transport. SUP board rental. Garden games.
Nabīte, camping
Nabīte, campingA picturesque place, at lake Liela Naba. A guest house, a bathhouse, 28 camp houses. Water bike and boat rent, sport and play grounds. Summer cafe.
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