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Internet portals

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LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Lapsas, recreation centre
Lapsas, recreation centreViesu nams Lapsas, naktsmājas, pirti, baļļa, banketu zāle, telts vietas. Piedāvājums ūdenstūrisma cienītajiem – piecvietīgi katamarāni, kanoe laivas, piegāde.
Vienkiemis, leisure complex
Vienkiemis, leisure complexThere is a modern building in the farmstead accommodating a hotel, bath, and a café. Ancient Museum of Rural Life, two Lithuanian baths, a small zoo, and a playground for children are active.
DIAVERS, SIA, tinsmiths works, roof covering
DIAVERS, SIA, tinsmiths works, roof coveringJumta seguma remonts, uzstādīšana, skursteņa pieslēguma remonts, sniega barjeras uzstādīšana, jumta logu, lūku iestrāde, jumta seguma papildelementu uzstādīšana, darbs ar dažādiem jumta segumiem, jumta seguma apsekošana un savlaicīga bojājumu konstatēšana, jumta seguma mazgāšana, jumta seguma atbrīvošana no sūnas, jumta seguma atbrīvošana no sniega, apledojuma, lietus ūdens noteksistēmas attīrīšana un, ja nepieciešams, remonts, jumta seguma krāsošanas darbi.
Avotkalni, place of recreation
Avotkalni, place of recreationRecreation place Avotkalni offers a nice rest at the Salaca river - places for tents and picnic, sport grounds with inventory, children play grounds, going by boats and bikes, fishing.
Terion, veterinary clinic
Terion, veterinary clinicVeterinary therapy, examination of pet diseases, complex vaccinations for dogs, cats, ferrets and rabbits; veterinary surgery: cat castration, cat sterilization and other operations; documentation necessary for traveling etc. (reasonable prices!).
Žuvėdra, viesnīca, restaurant
Žuvėdra, viesnīca, restaurantHotel - restaurant - recreation center "Žuvėdra". Located near Paplovinis lake in Ignalina. Bicycle rent, tennis and other entertainments. You are always welcome!
Mežābeles, holiday house
Mežābeles, holiday houseAtrodas ekoloģiski tīrā, dabas aizsargājamā zonā Dridža ezera dabas parkā, 17 km attālumā no Krāslavas. Tās apkārtnē ir mežs, pļavas, dzidrs ezers - bagāts ar zivīm.
Žuvine, fish restaurant
Žuvine, fish restaurantThe only fish restaurant in Palanga welcomes You at famous, renovated Basanaviciaus avenue. “Žuvinė“ is just few minutes away from the sea.
NESTER CUSTOM metāla mākslas galerija, gandrīz muzejs
NESTER CUSTOM metāla mākslas galerija, gandrīz muzejsElegant showrooms that house metal art sculptures and furniture made from car and motorcycle parts. It is a place where gallery, design furniture and paintings come together
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