Upesrūķi, guest house

Banquet halls

We offer: Peace and tranquility not far from Riga Our guests can enjoy the blessed atmosphere of the country log house You can steam and flap yourself with birch, hazel, juniper whisks in our country sauna We offer herbal teas gathered in the meadows of Garkalne. We will treat you with the honey that comes from our beehives In springs when the surroundings are full of flowering bird-cherry trees and birds are singing their most beautiful melodies you will have a possibility to taste birch sap In summer swimming in a river that surrounds the guest house will be refreshing You can go for a walk or ride a bicycle in the forest near the guest house .In autumn the generous forests offer mushroom and berry gathering In winter when the snow slowly falls and the silence and calm embrace the nature near the guesthouse, you can do country skiing, the length of the trail is 4 km long If you have a desire for something much more extreme, our guest house is not far from the Ramkalni track and Reina track (approximately 20 min ride) where you can do snowboarding and freestyle and downhill skiing We offer celebrations, parties and banquets for up to 30 persons Lodging- for up to 30 persons We look forward to seeing you in Upesruki!! Telephone: +371 28757263
equipment : tv, dvd, audio, karaoke, kichen, fireplace, bath.
Maximum persons in banquet hall : 30
Room area : 200 square metres
Rīga : 15 km
Guļvietu skaits : 30
Atrodas ārpus pilsētas.
Banquet hallsBanquet hallsBanquet hallsBanquet hallsBanquet hallsBanquet hallsBanquet halls

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