Park Hotel Kekava, hotel


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Products, services, keywords
Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikumsDaugavpils Technological and Tourism Technical School offers a wide range of vocational education programs for anyone interested. You can obtain vocational education with us both after primary school and after high school.
Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
Rockmole, SIA
Rockmole, SIAFounded in 2022, our company offers full-cycle construction for water supply and sewage systems. 10 years of expertise. We guarantee quality, using top materials. Free site inspections.
Juris Tumulkāns
Juris TumulkānsKeramiķis Juris Tumulkāns dzīvo un strādā Rīgā, jau 15 gadus vada VEF Kultūras pils Tautas Lietišķās mākslas studiju „Saule”, rīko un piedalās dažādās izstādēs un citos kultūras pasākumos.
Gamma-Serviss, SIA
Gamma-Serviss, SIAŠobrīd visizturīgākais pārklājums disku krāsošanai ir ar pulvera krāsām, kurām piemīt paaugstināta noturība pret iedarbību uz dažādiem mehāniskiem, fiziskiem un ķīmiskiem faktoriem. Mūsu disku krāsošanas metode nodrošina vienmērīgu lakas pārklājumu un garantē kvalitatīvu darbu izpildi.
Jaunķemeri, kūrorta rehabilitācijas centrs
Jaunķemeri, kūrorta rehabilitācijas centrsRRC Jaunķemeri – health gifted by nature! Locates in Jurmala, in the unique and healing resort conditions, which combine the reserved environmental entirety.
UAB Tvora, gates, fences, automatic equipment
UAB Tvora, gates, fences, automatic equipment Firma Tvora – wide profile company offers different fences. Concrete and metal goods. We are official representatives of many European manufacturers in Baltic states.
Kunči, guest house
Kunči, guest houseGuest house Kunči. For your recreation and entertainment hall with fire place (45 persons), bathhouse, platform for organization of festivities, bower for picnic.
Skandināvs 3XL, store
Skandināvs 3XL, storeSIA „Skandināvs” piedāvā plašāko lietoto preču sortimentu Kurzemē t.i.- lietoti apģērbi, mēbeles, trauki, dažādi sadzīves priekšmeti, elektropreces, interjera lietas, antīki priekšmeti un mēbeles, sporta preces, aprīkojums invalīdiem u.c. preces.
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