
Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums
Daugavpils Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikumsDaugavpils Technological and Tourism Technical School offers a wide range of vocational education programs for anyone interested. You can obtain vocational education with us both after primary school and after high school.
Otto Home, furniture and decor salon
Otto Home, furniture and decor salonSIA Otto & Leo uses advanced technology. Furniture can be customized in color, size, and fabric. We also offer bespoke furniture, parquet, and door manufacturing.
Mežmaļi, galdniecība
Mežmaļi, galdniecībaJoinery Mežmaļi. Local origin materials: : pine, birch, ash-tree and oak-tree. Euro windows, futer windows, Norway type windows, windows with grooves, connected Swedish type windows. Inner doors and outer doors.
Ratatui, franču restorāns
Ratatui, franču restorānsEsat laipni gaiditi nobaudīt franču ēdienus romantiskā un elegantā atmosfērā. Patīkamā franču mūzikas pavadījumā varēsiet baudīt francijas sieru un vīnu. Gaidām Jūs kopā ar ģimeni un draugiem izbaudīt dzīvi.
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinicMūsu klīnikās Jūs saņemsiet kvalificētu konsultāciju un medicīnisko palīdzību, īstu sapratni un atbalstu. Jo taču tieši tas ir nepieciešams gan saslimušajiem mīluļiem gan to īpašniekiem.
Zilver, vīna darītava
Zilver, vīna darītavaPatlaban “Zilver” vīna darītavā tiek ražoti vairāk kā 10 dažādu ogu, augļu, meža ogu un pat ziedu vīni. Blakus esošajā vīnotavā kā tūristu grupām, tā arī individuālajiem apmeklētajiem tiek piedāvāta iespēja nobaudīt darītos vīnus, starp kuriem ikviens noteikti atradīs savai gaumei atbilstošu.
Villa Dole, guest house
Villa Dole, guest houseRelaxation at the river Daugava in Dole isle. Cozy camps for sleeping, rooms for celebration and activities, a bathhouse.
KraBS, metal working
KraBS, metal workingKraBS. Metal products and constructions, Blinds and automatic systems, Solar collector systems and kits, Labor protection, clothing, equipment.
Skultes muiža, guest house
Skultes muiža, guest houseSkulte manor - ideal place for collective entertainments, weddings, corporate sports games: guest hall, bathhouse, swimming pool, hall with a fire place, terrace, two room accomodation. 
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