Magma, SIA

Magma - plumbing trade and production

Luxury Chocolate, SIA
Luxury Chocolate, SIAOur passion is extraordinary chocolate. Luxury Chocolate Ltd. provides exceptional chocolate printing services with a level of personalization and luxury that is hard to beat on a global scale.
FindGlass, car glass
FindGlass, car glassFindGlass Auto Glass Service offers auto glass replacement and repair for all types of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, as well as ADAS camera calibration.
NBvet, SIA, veterinary clinic
NBvet, SIA, veterinary clinicNBvet veterinary clinic specializes in the treatment and surgery of small animals. We offer animal vaccinations, microchipping, necessary documentation processing, and registration with the Agricultural Data Centre. Our services include clinical examinations, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment prescriptions.
OM Crafts, SIA
OM Crafts, SIARawCake are elegantly crafted and exceptionally delicious cakes made without flour, eggs, milk, or sugar. Our cakes stand out with their intense flavor, surpassing store-bought alternatives, and are significantly healthier.
Babīte, rododendru selekcijas un izmēģinājumu audzētava
Babīte, rododendru selekcijas un izmēģinājumu audzētavaLatvijas Universitātes Rododendru selekcijas un izmēģinājumu audzētava “Babīte” dibināta 1980. gadā. Tā atrodas netālu no Rīgas, priežu mežā, 11,8 ha platībā. Audzētavā nodarbināti 18 darbinieki. Tā ir vienīgā specializētā rododendru audzētava Baltijas valstīs.
Miolans, SIA, metāla durvju ražotne
Miolans, SIA, metāla durvju ražotneMiolans. Production of different modification SAFES, metal DOORS - production, mounting and other production ofr houses and business.
SPĪĶERU KONCERTZĀLEPašā Rīgas sirdī sajūtama seno laikmetu elpa un modernā dinamika. Omulīgas mājas ikvienam mākslas un atpūtas baudītājam! Satikšanās vieta dažādiem notikumiem - konferencēm, prezentācijām un ceremonijām, radošām darbnīcām un svinībām, kā arī teātra izrādēm un koncertiem, kino seansiem. Telpu noma dažādiem korporatīviem pasākumiem vai vienkārši mājīgam draugu ballēm.
Eco Tehnoloģijas, SIA
Eco Tehnoloģijas, SIASIA Eco technologies is a company that has been operating in its industry for 10 years. We work with certified equipment and materials. We cooperate with the largest manufacturers who have been tested and proven themselves on the Latvian market for many years. We will find the best solution for both a small private house and a large project.
Dvina, guest house
Dvina, guest houseNaktsmītnes Jēkabpilī - viesu nams Dvina Jēkabpilī. Viesu mājā ir 7 numuri, viesistaba un virtuve. Vienlaicīgi iespējams uzņemt 20 viesus. Pirts ar baseinu un banketu zāle līdz 12 cilvēkiem.
Vānes māja, guest house
Vānes māja, guest houseThe guest house is located about 100 km from Riga. The house can accommodate up to 12 people. There is a recently dug pond near the house, where you can swim after enjoying the sauna or a bath.
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