Nabīte, camping


Ikora, SIA
Ikora, SIAWe provide high-quality funeral services at affordable prices, maintaining the same level of quality. We understand how difficult it is to say goodbye to a loved one, so we aim to ease the organization process and offer a wide range of services to honor the deceased.
Jelgavas Tehnikums
Jelgavas TehnikumsJelgava Technical School offers the opportunity to gain secondary vocational education in 11 fields, tailored to each student's interests and talents. From automotive transport to construction, from hospitality to IT technologies - everyone can find the most suitable path for their career here.
Polar Shock Therapy, SIA
Polar Shock Therapy, SIAWith Polar Shock Therapy ice baths, you can enjoy the benefits of cold plunges in your backyard or apartment terrace – at any time convenient for you. They are easy to set up, quickly filled with water, and simple to maintain.
Būvcentrs, building material sale
Būvcentrs, building material saleInterneta veikals. Stikls un stikla izstrādājumi ļoti plašā klāstā. Dekoratīvie stikli, stikla paketes, stikla matēšana ar smilšu strūklu un spoguļi. Zāģmateriāli, sausie maisījumi un citi būvmateriāli.
Hutor Group
Hutor GroupRecreation center - 2 Guest Houses "Swans" with all conveniences and a Russian bath – wait for you on the shore of the picturesque Rušona Lake.
Mega Star, freezing systems
Mega Star, freezing systemsSIA "MEGA STAR" is a specialized Latvian company, whose activity is focused on the implementation of complex tasks in the installation of industrial and commercial refrigeration, as well as conditioning systems.
Indigo Line, SIA, EU Structural Funds on the level of national projects
Indigo Line, SIA,  EU Structural Funds on the level of national projectsControl and operational management of finances of EU Structural Funds on the level of national projects.
Gungas, guest house
Gungas, guest houseGungas -  etnographic holiday lodge for festivities, recreation and seminars.
SPĪĶERU KONCERTZĀLEPašā Rīgas sirdī sajūtama seno laikmetu elpa un modernā dinamika. Omulīgas mājas ikvienam mākslas un atpūtas baudītājam! Satikšanās vieta dažādiem notikumiem - konferencēm, prezentācijām un ceremonijām, radošām darbnīcām un svinībām, kā arī teātra izrādēm un koncertiem, kino seansiem. Telpu noma dažādiem korporatīviem pasākumiem vai vienkārši mājīgam draugu ballēm.
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinic
Pļavnieki, veterinary clinicMūsu klīnikās Jūs saņemsiet kvalificētu konsultāciju un medicīnisko palīdzību, īstu sapratni un atbalstu. Jo taču tieši tas ir nepieciešams gan saslimušajiem mīluļiem gan to īpašniekiem.
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