Gundega-E, SIA

Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Magma, SIA
Magma, SIASIA "Magma" - plumbing trade and production. Founded on February 23, 1996. It is a 100% Latvian company that has grown from a small family business to a stable, safe, dynamic plumbing production and trade company in Latvia. Manufactures flexible actuators and faucets under the MAGMA brand. The company's goal is to sell the best faucets. The company provides customers with the maximum possible service package, from consulting to implementation in trade. rooms, kvesti, escape room rooms, kvesti, escape roomDiscover borders of your intellect. "Escape" is an interactive and intuitive real-life game, which demands your focus, ability to find solutions and team-work skills in unusual situations. 60 minutes is available to solve mysteries and finde clues to get free for a team of 2 to 6 participants. Rezervation must be made 24 hours before.
Mežotnes pils, palace
Mežotnes pils, palaceMežotnes pils jeb bijusī Mežotnes muižas kungu māja (Mesothen) atrodas Bauskas novada Mežotnes pagastā,Mežotnē. To klasicisma stilā pēc Pēterburgas galma arhitekta Džakomo Kvarengi meta uzcēla Johans Georgs Ādams Berlics 1798. - 1802. gados. Netālu atrodas bijušās muižas ēkas - kalpu māja, staļļi, pārvaldnieka māja un klētis. No 1797. līdz 1920. gadam Mežotne bija Līvenu dzimtmuiža.
Pūdnīku skūla, keramika
Pūdnīku skūla, keramikaSmoked ceramics. Ancient pottery tehnology, where high mastery grounds is clever reserve, simple fairness and practical classes.
Dizains un Druka, SIA
Dizains un Druka, SIAWe offer qualitative and operative services in design and printing at affordable prices for companies and individuals. | Currently, large-format printing - 20% off | Offer includes:design development; PVC banners; posters:window stickers; car adhesive film prints; large format photos; plotter work, etc. We guarantee you work in the shortest possible time and in the best quality!
LEAnD, SIA, bookkeeping
LEAnD, SIA, bookkeepingMūsu draudzīgs kolektīvs sniedz profesionālos grāmatvedības pakalpojumus un risina dažādus jautājumus. Darba pieredze dažādu nozaru uzņēmumos- būvniecībā, tirdzniecībā, nekustamo īpašumu apsaimniekošanā, darījumos ar kokmateriālu un metālu, importu/eksportu, darījumi ar ES trešajām valstīm, vairumtirdzniecībā/mazumtirdzniecībā
ID Rugāji, joinery
ID Rugāji, joineryIzgatavojam masīvkoka mēbeles pēc pasūtījuma. Mums sagādā prieku darbs ar pasūtītāju - uzklausām un realizējam klienta vēlmes.
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