Skursteņmeistars, SIA


Kokakmens, SIA, tombstones
Kokakmens, SIA, tombstonesWe offer grave improvement services and granite products – monuments, borders, and fences. We perform concreting, leveling, granite cutting, and polishing. We import high-quality granite from Sweden and Finland and also process Latvian boulders.
RVKOKS.LV, SIARVKOKS – The heart of your home made of wood. We offer a full service cycle: from custom design development, using top-quality materials, to meticulous installation. Together, we will create unique wooden stairs and doors tailored precisely to your desires.
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
Trutzi Baltic, SIA
Trutzi Baltic, SIATrutzi Baltic is part of the large Trutzi group - a metal retail and wholesale company that offers a wide range of metal products, including metal pipes, metal sheets, metal structures, steel beams, profiles, fittings, angles, poles, 3D panel fences and fences.
Upesrūķi, guest house
Upesrūķi, guest houseНаши гости могут насладиться уютом сельского дома - сруба и красатой окрестной природы. Банька сулит парку березовыми, дубовыми,
Aivars-K, working of stone
Aivars-K, working of stoneStone processing. Ware of metal and stone, interior elements, garden sculptures, tombstones, fountains, lights, stone benches and tables..
R. A. Kaspari, construction and repairs
R. A. Kaspari, construction and repairsR.A. KASPARI - No idejas līdz atslēgai! Darbojas vispārējās celtniecības un inženiertīklu izbūves jomā. Firmā strādājošie speciālisti ir profesionāļi savā nozarē.
Toss Boulinga Halle
Toss Boulinga HalleBouling, billiards, reataurant and bar. Toss bouling hall invites you to spend a nice weekend. All kind of sport events, celebration and banquet organization.
Ungurmuiža, guest house
Ungurmuiža, guest houseUngurmuiža is a harmonious ensemble of 18th century wooden buildings, surrounded by giant oaks, it occupies an important place among the heritage of Latvian cultural monuments. It was built in 1732 by Baron von Kampenhausen as the home of his family, and today no similar baroque wooden buildings have survived in Latvia, the interiors of which are so richly decorated with murals. Suitable for modern conveniences, it will be created for your leisure, celebrations and seminars. You can enjoy the special atmosphere of the manor by strolling through the park under the giant oaks or drinking tea in the magnificent tea pavilion.
Tukuma muzejs
Tukuma muzejsTukuma muzejs regulāri rīko mākslas, vēstures un etnogrāfijas izstādes. Piedāvā apmeklēt ekskursijas, kā arī mākslas un kultūras pasākumus. Piedalās projektos un gatavo plašu zinātnisko publikāciju klāstu. Paralēli tam muzejs veic intensīvu izglītojošu darbu, piedāvājot radošās darbnīcas bērniem.
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