    LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
    Nāras, hotel - guesthouse
    Nāras, hotel - guesthouseRecreation centre Nāras is located in Naukšēni, on the bank of Rūja, in the prior spirit brewery building, 156 km from Riga, 50 km from Valmiera.
    Eco Tehnoloģijas, SIA
    Eco Tehnoloģijas, SIASIA Eco technologies is a company that has been operating in its industry for 10 years. We work with certified equipment and materials. We cooperate with the largest manufacturers who have been tested and proven themselves on the Latvian market for many years. We will find the best solution for both a small private house and a large project.
    Terion, veterinary clinic
    Terion, veterinary clinicVeterinary therapy, examination of pet diseases, complex vaccinations for dogs, cats, ferrets and rabbits; veterinary surgery: cat castration, cat sterilization and other operations; documentation necessary for traveling etc. (reasonable prices!).
    LEAnD, SIA, bookkeeping
    LEAnD, SIA, bookkeepingMūsu draudzīgs kolektīvs sniedz profesionālos grāmatvedības pakalpojumus un risina dažādus jautājumus. Darba pieredze dažādu nozaru uzņēmumos- būvniecībā, tirdzniecībā, nekustamo īpašumu apsaimniekošanā, darījumos ar kokmateriālu un metālu, importu/eksportu, darījumi ar ES trešajām valstīm, vairumtirdzniecībā/mazumtirdzniecībā
    DEVI, heat engineering
    DEVI, heat engineeringDEVI is the only enetrprise in electric technical production sphere, which produces and improves electric heating cable and thermoregulator complex systems.
    Iecavnieki, guest house
    Iecavnieki, guest houseA guset house Iecavnieki is situated on a fringe of wood, at the bank of the river Daugava. A bath with a swimming pool, a hall with a fire place for banquets (50 people). Six rooms with a shower and WC.
    Svētku mode, sewing salon
    Svētku mode, sewing salonŠūšanas salons "Svētku mode" atrodas Koknesē, Daugavas krastā, kur top Likteņdārzs. Salonam ir 15 gadu pieredze. Salons iepriecina savus klientus ar kvalitatīvu darbu un bagātīgu pieredzi šūšanas nozarē.
    Bramaņi, guesthouse
    Bramaņi, guesthouseGuest house,a bathhouse, amazing place for activities for 30 peoples. Lodging places, active relaxation. Relaxation in the country.
    Lotes Toys, store
    Lotes Toys, storeToys made of wood and other natural material has a special meaning. Natural material is recommenden by medical specialists also for kids with speech or vision disorder.
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