Saulesstari, guest house

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    LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation
    Ungurmuiža, guest house
    Ungurmuiža, guest houseUngurmuiža is a harmonious ensemble of 18th century wooden buildings, surrounded by giant oaks, it occupies an important place among the heritage of Latvian cultural monuments. It was built in 1732 by Baron von Kampenhausen as the home of his family, and today no similar baroque wooden buildings have survived in Latvia, the interiors of which are so richly decorated with murals. Suitable for modern conveniences, it will be created for your leisure, celebrations and seminars. You can enjoy the special atmosphere of the manor by strolling through the park under the giant oaks or drinking tea in the magnificent tea pavilion.
    Dūšeļu kempings laivas
    Dūšeļu kempings laivasKempings Dūšeļi pie Babītes ezera piedāvā atpūtu visa gada garumā: distanču slēpošana, ziemas un vasaras cope, laivu noma, SUP noma, velo noma, piknika terases un atpūtas vietas, mājiņas no 2019.g maija
    Art Fabrics, SIA
    Art Fabrics, SIANodarbojamies ar visa veida ierāmēšanu - gan gleznu, spoguļu, izšuvumu - kuri arvien biežāk sastopami, gan gobelēnu, plakātu! Mūsu praksē ir ierāmēt un noformēt visas izsoles, kuras notiek Rīgā, gan izstādes, gan visādus dizaina objektus!
    Silamalas, leisure complex
    Silamalas, leisure complexThe complex is located in the forest, at the very top of the mountain, in a scenic location - Milzkalne, only 60 km from Riga. with us you can escape from the noise of the city and enjoy peace and quiet, relax in the sauna, or warm up in the hot tub and enjoy a refreshing swim in the pool.
    Slēpošanas un atpūtas parks Ozolkalns, active tourism centre
    Slēpošanas un atpūtas parks Ozolkalns, active tourism centreActive all year round! Ozolkalns offers leisure opportunities and accommodation in the Gauja National Park, near Cesis. In the winter, there are ski and snowboard trails that reach a length of 500 meters. The hill is equipped with a chairlift and two anchor lifts, equipment rental and instructor services are available.
    VEIPRO, SIA, scales and scale repair
    VEIPRO, SIA, scales and scale repairWe manufacture, sell and maintain both automatic and manual electronic scales and weighing systems. We work with the world's leading scale and scale component manufacturers to provide high quality products and services to all business sectors.
    Moto & Metal NESTER CUSTOM art gallery, art gallery
    Moto & Metal NESTER CUSTOM art gallery, art galleryNESTER CUSTOM is a creative workshop for the creation of designer furniture and unique sculptures made of metal. Car, motorcycle, power tools and other metal products are used as the basis for our products. Our company began to develop in the repair of wrecked cars and restoration of motorcycles, which we continue to do successfully and Today, in parallel creating authoring custom bikes.
    Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalis
    Uldis Kleins, akmeņkalisUlda Kleina akmeņkaļu darbnīca. Kapu pieminekļu izgatavošana, uzstādīšana, kapu vietas labiekārtošana.
    Modra Bērziņa pieminekļu darbnīca, SIA "Akmens Raksti"
    Modra Bērziņa pieminekļu darbnīca, SIA "Akmens Raksti"Stonecutter Modris Bērziņš offers borings in the stone, elements of fire place, works of art - sculptures. Makes granite tombstones, margins. Design elements for garden.
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