Kandava, hotel


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Products, services, keywords
LATCARRIER, SIAThe fastest way to find out the cost of cargo transportation https://www.latcarrier.lv/cenas-en
Ķekavas zoo
Ķekavas zooRecreation complex is located 3 km from the center of Ķekava, a silent and a very beautiful place, next to the river Ķekaviņa.
Bea aizkaru centrs, salon
Bea aizkaru centrs, salonCurtain saloon Bea. Curtain and table cloth fabrics, nippers, rullo, vertical and horizontal blinds, accesories and sewing accesories.
Ūdensdzirnavas, guest house
Ūdensdzirnavas, guest houseLeisure complex in the renovated mill building 96 km from Riga. The guest hall. Sauna with a pool, 2 suites and a luxury room with Jacuzzi. A comfortable guest house.
Apkure EV, SIA
Apkure EV, SIAApkures katlu tirdzniecība, gāzes degļu tirdzniecība, gaisa sildītāju tirdzniecība, JUNKERS apkures katli. Apkures katlu, katlu māju, gāzes vadu, iekārtu sistēmu remonts, apkalpošana, serviss, apkope. Apkures sistēmas, projektēšana, izbūve, apkalpošana.
BALTIC-S, Plumbing Equipment
BALTIC-S, Plumbing EquipmentThe company Baltic-S deals with plumbing wholesale and retail.
Klivet, veterinary clinic
Klivet, veterinary clinicVairāku dzīvnieku veidu ārstēšana (arī dekoratīvo grauzēju, putnu, sesku). Terapija un ķirurģija. Vakcinācijas, mikročipēšana un konsultācijas. Mājas vizītes pēc iepriekšēja pieraksta.
latvaslini, store
latvaslini, storeThe company SIA "LatvAS" is the manufacturer of the brand Latvaslini linen fabric and sheep's wool products. Latvaslini is a brand and combination of words created from the company name latvas and lini, to give priority to home textiles made of linen fabric. All products of the Latvaslini brand are made in Latvia.
Dimzas, tree nursery
Dimzas, tree nurserySeed-plot Dimzas are offering for costumers: a wide assortment of ornamental plants. Floristic materials. We draft and realize greening projects.
Photorent, IK
Photorent, IKFotonoma Rīgas centrā piedāvā kameras, objektīvus, zibspuldzes, audio un video tehniku, apgaismojumu un citus aksesuārus profesionāļiem un amatieriem. Pastāvīgajiem klientiem un īrei ilgtermiņā atlaides.
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